December 15, 2014

December 15, 2014

CHAMPION—December 15, 2014

        Sunday was semi-sunny and two hours of vitamin D straight from the source has lifted the spirit of one old Champion who feels cheated when the moon is out and she cannot see it for the clouds.  Knowing that the sun is gleaming and beaming on the other side of the hazes does not warm or comfort her.  The Geminid Meteor Shower peaked behind a dense fog with embers from the ‘rock comet’ streaking through the heavens fit to awe if they could have been seen.  (The three mile long chunk of rock called ‘3200 Phaethon’ was only discovered in 1983, so its comet tail has been unappreciated before.)  Maybe next year the skies will be clear.  For now, it looks as if Champions will trade the gloom for the cold.  Champions will not complain.  Winter will officially arrive next Sunday on the Brrrrrright Side!

        Skyline’s teacher Lannie Hinote says, “Big congratulations to the Skyline Archery Team for placing 3rd in the Middle School division at the Crane Archery Tournament.  To Cheyenne Baker for placing 3rd in elementary, Morgan Whitacre placed 6th in middle school female division and Gavin Sartor placed 6th in middle school male division, Levi Hicks placed 7th in elementary and Dylan Ford placed 10th.  Crane is one of our most challenging tournaments.“  The skills these young people are developing in this fine archery program are skills that they will be able to cultivate for their lifetimes.  They will be able to provide meat for their tables or compete in the Olympics.  Girls and boys can compete and not really run the risk of blowing out their knees—an all-around good sport.  Skyline students celebrating birthdays this month include second grader Destiny Surface whose birthday is on the 20th, and Logan Brown, seventh grader, on the 21st.  Yea! Birthdays!

        Shannon Alexander and Spike Jones share the 14th of December as their birthday.  They were born in different years but they have a lot in common.  Multitalented, zany, creative, productive (good looking) men with great smiles and big hearts are treasures in a hum-drum world.  Spike Jones and the City Slickers brought a light hearted approach to ‘serious’ music and gave America some hearty laughs back in the 40s and 50s when they were much needed.  Shannon just makes a person smile.  Then he takes a picture.  He takes lots of pictures from which emerge the portraits that are destined to be the real family heirlooms.  It takes a special eye to see the way he does.  K and Zack look at him kind of funny sometimes.  Judy Gale Ing was another jewel in the world that came to light on December 14th.  It was said of her, “Judy lived like all should live, free spirited and wild at heart.”  “Judy was everything that I perceive as being right with life.  She was more than a sister to me.  She was a life mentor and I think of her often,” said Daniel Ing, a sentiment echoed by her bereft Champion Comadre.  Jesse and Sarah Ing journeyed up to Champion from Texas with their mother on many occasions.  They jumped off the big rock at the Mill Pond, and splashed in the Bryant and Hunter Creek.  They scampered up and down the hills ferociously with their friends doing all the wild, country kid things, being rowdy and getting muddy and eating watermelon with the juice making stripes down their dirty bellies.  Judy and Sarah are off dazzling the heavens together and Jesse is having his birthday on December 16th.  He’s a big time Hollywood guy now, but he and his mother and sister occupy a big chunk of some Champion hearts.  Amanda Masten has the 16th as her birthday as well.  She has had an exciting life that started out over by Ava.  She jumped off that big rock at the Mill Pond as she was growing up and now watches her own children jump off of it.  Well, Olivia jumps off of it when she is not catching the biggest crawdads you ever saw, and Leo will be big enough to jump off of it in a year or so.  Rita Silverberg is having her birthday on the 17th.  She is reaching the same ripe age as a number of substantial ladies in this area.  Many were the happy hours she shared with friends here while their children were young.  Now her Joby Dorr is off in the wilds of the Pacific North West living an adventurous life, and Rita is in Tucson, Arizona making it a more lovely place.  Ben Cohen will have the charming Ilene sing that birthday song to him on the 22nd.  Together they do a Spike Jones like acapella bagpipe rendition of ….one cannot remember the song for the hilarity of it.  They are teachers and students and excellent examples of a perfect fit.  Happy birthday to you Champions–every one!

        Among the emails in the mail box is another from Ms. Anne Thrope.  She says, “OK, you’re enjoying ‘low’ gas prices now, but think about it.  Do take advantage of two dollar gas, but don’t figure that you’re getting a bargain.  You’re going to pay for it sooner or later at whatever price they stick you with and there won’t be anything you can do about it.  You can fairly well figure it is just a manipulative, nasty ploy by Oli Garkey and his oil producing companies to assert:  # 1.  That on account of ‘fracking’ we’ve got just way lots of oil.  #2.  Gas prices being down, no use investing in any of that funky alternative energy like ‘solar’ and ‘wind.  #3.  Don’t bother buying a car designed to get good gas mileage.  #4.  Figure that oil is good, hence Keystone is good (or will be when they jack the prices back up).  #5.  Some say Saudi Arabia is doing this to drive small American producers out of business, but they (Saudi Arabia, British Petroleum, Shell, hell, all of them) are in cahoots.  For a while it looked like the lower cost of oil was a manipulation to punish Vladimir Putin for his intrusion into Ukraine and a way to punish ISIS for their million-dollar-a-day oil habit, stealing out of wells in war torn areas to finance their heinous nastiness.  Shoot!  If we can have two dollar gas to punish Putin & ISIS, how come we can’t have two dollar gas to benefit hard working Americans?  I’m just saying that things are rarely what they seem, so enjoy it while you can and don’t be surprised when it changes in ways we cannot imagine now.”  Other emails in the box say things like, “Thanks for all the good news from Champion!  You folks sure have a lot going on.  You make everyone want to be a Champion.” 

        Imagine, if you can, The General, in his alter ego, holding hands with Dorothy and skipping down the Yellow Brick Road with the gang headed off to Oz, or ‘himself’ standing at the helm of Aladdin’s magic carpet, wind in his face.  That kind of thing is what he has been up to this week according to Ms. Coolforests.  His whole existence has become like a dream.  ‘Euneirophrenia’ is a noun that represents the peace of mind that comes from having pleasant dreams.  Though it takes some time to figure out the pronunciation (you-knee-row-frenia), it will be a handy word to use in a sentence around the old wood stove at the Recreation of the Historic Emporium.  Come and join the holiday fun over on the North Side of the Square on the wooly, wide and wild banks of Old Fox Creek.  Sing, “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the ones I used to know.  Where the tree tops glisten and children listen to hear sleigh bells in the snow.”  Then you can say, “We sure do have a lot of nice euneirophrenia in Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!”


December 8, 2014

December 8, 2014

CHAMPION—December 8, 2014

        The population of Champion was increased on Tuesday, December 2nd, with the birth of Luxe McKenzie Krider.  Her big sister Taegan, her parents, grandparents and all her cousins, aunts and uncles are delighted with a new addition to the family.  Champion is improved.  To paraphrase, “Welcome to our world.  We’re so glad you come on in.”

        The General, in his alter ego as Robert Hood, has made the cover of Time Magazine.  Acclaimed journalist and restaurateur, R. Quiet Timber, has documented lavishly for the internet, the heretofore unknown exploits of this dynamic individual who played back up behind Hank Williams, rode the Apollo 13 rocket to the moon, chatted up the Dali Lama and the Pope, hobnobbed with Queen Elizabeth II and FDR, applied diplomacy to Vladimir Putin and Kim Jon Un, taught George Clooney how to ride a bicycle, advised the Supreme Court, and currently unofficially officiates at the Thursday night Bluegrass Pot Luck and Jam Session under the bright lights of Old Vanzant.  Get out your fiddle and rosin up your bow!  The fun starts at 6:00 with supper and then music!

Workers from Southern Construction have been clearing the electric right-of-way for the White River Electric Co-op in Downtown Champion.

        Once again, Aaron L. Hawkins and the nice folks at Hawkins Home and Lawn are donating a new washer and dryer to a home in need during the giving season.  They are a generous outfit and have always been kind and supportive to the Skyline Volunteer Fire Department and other worthwhile organizations all around the area.  Marjorie Carter over there at the Downtown Pawn is a regular reader of The Champion News and also a regular supporter of the Skyline VFD.  Located midway between Ava and Mountain Grove, the VFD and the Skyline R2 School get good support from both directions.  It is a luxury to live in a part of the world where the community supports local merchants and the merchants support the community.  The White River Electric Co-operative is also part of that good reciprocal alliance.  Those fellows from Southern Construction have been busy cleaning up the right-of-ways (rights-of-way) for the White River electric lines with a bunch of big heavy equipment and a lot of hard working men.  This is a good time of the year to do this kind of work.  The leaves are down for the most part and the county brush hog has already been down the road chewing things up (in a good way) so that the initial mutilations of the landscape are not as unnerving as they might otherwise be.  Champions are alert to the possibility of a little blinking of the power while the dangerous work goes on.  There are quite a few folks around who remember when the first electric lines came to this part of the country way back when.  It might be interesting to see how well some young folks could navigate off the grid.  It would take some adjustment.  Brother Dave Gardner said, “If it weren’t for Thomas Edison, we’d all be sitting around watching television by candlelight.”

        A wise, wild and wonderful woman who does not celebrate birthdays and shall remain nameless has her birthday on December 10th.  Her friend and The Champion News salute her for her positive resilience, her persistence, her creativity and her steadfastness, tenacity and grit.  Eva Coyote (Kai) Parsons celebrates her special day on the 11th.  She lives out in Portland, Oregon with Sierra and Bailey, whose grandparents are homesteaders over on the west side of Ava.  There are a slew of lawyers, barristers, counselors, advocates, defenders, prosecutors and magistrates who share birthdays on the 10th or the 11th…notable folks on opposite and similar sides…all very what you call ‘civil.’  Things are getting pretty exciting for the young folks at Skyline R2 School as they endeavor to add their names to the seasonal “nice” list.  Devin Burdette and Tevin Burdette are in the first and second grades there and their birthdays are on 12-12.   The next day is written on the calendar 12-13-14.  It is the birthday of Richard Green.  As a youth, he served an extended stretch of time in Viet Nam in what was known as The Brown River Navy.  An article from the September, 1969, issue of “Stars and Stripes” says, “Nearly any day will find the three-year veteran of Navy service somewhere along the 25 miles of the meandering Vam Co Dong, 25 miles west of Saigon, which his division covers with visual recon missions, blocking stations, troop lifts and the like.  It is a job that has taken Green through more than 25 fire fights.  A job he says is often “boring as hell except for brief stretches when it is more exciting than anyone cares for.”  The anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor has Veterans much in the thoughts of Champions.  Men and women serving in uniform in dangerous places around the world and those who have served have Love and Gratitude due them from a Grateful Nation.

        Our favorite Dr. Schmeckle, while trading affectionate jibes with, Mr. Chide, happened to let loose of a piece of interesting information about the only time in history when the continental United States suffered an aerial bombardment in wartime.  It happened on September 9, 1942, on Mount Emily, near Brookings, Oregon, when a Japanese floatplane, piloted by Nobuo Fujita, launched from a submarine, was loaded with incendiary bombs and sent to start massive fires in the dense forests of the Pacific Northwest.  The attack caused only minor damage.  Dr. Schmeckle says they did not account for the annual rainfall in their target area.  Fujita came back to Brookings in 1962, and presented the town with his family’s 400-year-old samurai sword in friendship.  Seventy-three years later Pearl Harbor is still a tender spot for both sides.  Dr. Schmeckle lived in Japan for a number of years and can attest to the sincerity of the Fujita apology.  Thanks for the insight, Doc.

        The Skyline Archery Team competed in a tournament in Rogersville on Saturday against some big schools from Arkansas and Missouri.  Lannie Hinote says, “Congratulations to Cheyenne for placing 3rd, Dylan for placing 4th, and Morgan for placing 5th, and Levi for placing 8th, and super proud of the entire team for placing 4th over-all against some really tough competition.”  Champions all!

        Instead of enjoying the sweet story of “It’s a Wonderful Life” on T.V. Saturday night of how Clarence got his wings, and how George Bailey gets a second chance to live and learns that Bedford Falls was much the better place for his having lived there, Ms. Anne Thrope writes in to The Champion News to say, “Potter did not give back the $8,000.00!  It is emblematic of everything that is messed up in the country today.  The government has been loaning money to the big national banks at less than one percent interest with the intention that the banks will lend money to people who will spend it in order to stimulate the economy.  Instead, the banks have been buying treasury notes from the government that pay more than one percent and pocketing the difference while executives are enjoying bigger bonuses than ever.  It is as crooked as it gets, there is no oversight, and that is why the economy is being so slow to recover.  It’s just crazy.”  This lady may have been raised a pessimisterian, but she makes her point.

        Wednesday found the same rowdy crowd around the old wood stove in the Recreation of the Historic Emporium over on the North Side of the Square.  Philosophy, history, local genealogy, jokes, recipes, tall tales and pertinent observations were bandied about.  Come down to the woolier than ever banks of Old Fox Creek and do some bandying of your own.  Share your thoughts about anything in person or at  If you have a voice like Jim Reeves, you can sing “Welcome to my world.  Won’t you come on in?  Miracles, I guess, still happen now and then”…in Champion!  Looking on the Bright Side!


December 1, 2014

December 1, 2014

CHAMPION—December 1, 2014

        Champions have pushed themselves back from the table, draped their arms across their protruding bread baskets and smiled contented smiles that speak to more than the deliciousness of the food so lovingly prepared in all its bounty.  Family and friends shared their appreciation of each other with their histories, triumphs and failures, daydreams, plans, misconceptions, surprise revelations, games, laughter and music.  Those missing from the table, recently and long-gone, were honored with remembrance and those things that call for gratitude were called up again and again.  Follow that with a few days in a row of beautiful weather perfect for a walk in the woods or some chores in preparation for colder days ahead and that is a Champion Thanksgiving.

        The internet has been full to bursting with fine filial feeling for family and friends and photos to prove it.  Everyone is smiling and that takes the edge off the anxiety of the news of an ever more tumultuous and contentious outside world fraught with danger and uncertainty.  More and more Champions find themselves grateful for their relative isolation.  Hard work helps.  Harley is home for a few days doing some work on the place, replacing a water line.  It is good to see him around the Square.  His singing voice has changed from tenor/alto to a very competent bass, but he is still singing.  He hopes he will climb back up the scale in tone and volume and his friends always hope he gets just what he wants.  This waterline he is working on is on the place where Clifford and Esther Wrinkles lived for many years.  Larry Wrinkles grew up right there across the road from Henson’s Grocery and Gas.  He and Harley and Don (Punk) Hicks were a dynamic acapella trio.  Arthur Porter, their teacher, took them all over this part of the country to sing.  The blending of their voices was said to have been inspired.  They could bring tears with their harmonies.  Harley is home fixing the water line, Punk is presumably wandering around out West somewhere, and Larry is struggling with ill health and currently in Mercy Hospital in Springfield.  He has the prayers and good thoughts of all his Champion friends, hoping for a good and speedy recovery.

        J.C. Owsley writes that this year’s contribution to The Champion News “is given in memory of my professor, academic advisor, and friend Dr. Ralph C. Dobbs, who had deep ties to Fox Creek.”  Cathie Alsup Reilly contributes for Cletis Upshaw.  Owsley, Dobbs, Reilly, Upshaw, Wrinkles, Hicks, Porter, Krider, Hutchison, Johnston, Brixey, Coonts, Smith, Southerland and more, plus a whole passel of newcomers (grandparents not born here) contribute to the charming make up of “The Bright Side.”  Other neighborhoods have their supporters.  The General of Vanzant just posted a picture of the Denlow School Graduates of 1947-1948.  There are some fine looking folks there.  The General is not pictured.

        Special people have birthdays.  The generous and charming Bobette Spivey has hers on December 5th and Ed Bell, multitalented rock and roll cowboy, on the 6th.   Skyline School’s smiling bus maintenance man, Paul Boyd, enjoys the 7th.  The fun loving, multifaceted Chris Tharp celebrates on December 8th.  Richard Johnston, grandfather of Madelyn and Shelby Ward, will observe his birthday on December 9th, as will Skyline nurse/clerk, Mrs. Karen.  Together with Mrs. Karen, the Douglas County Health Department continues the blood pressure screening there at the school on the first Tuesday of each month.  It sets a good example for the children to see people taking an active part in maintaining their own good health.  Angela Souder, the DCHD nurse who visits Champion at the Restoration of the Historic Emporium on the last Tuesday of each month, was credited for probably having saved the life of an old Champion recently. “You need to see your doctor as soon as possible,” she said.  It was a good call.  In addition to blood pressure checks, body mass index readings, and lung age analysis, she plans to make a blood sugar test available every three months.  It is a significant service to the community and Angela reports that the number of people taking advantage of the opportunity is steadily increasing.  Champion!

        Champions are looking for that ad in the paper from Shelter Insurance that will mark the arrival of the planting guide that is so specialized for this area.  Plans are to incorporate it into Linda’s regular monthly almanac on the website, which is currently a combination of Blum’s Farmer’s and Planter’s Almanac and Ramon’s Brownie Calendar.  Perhaps next year it will be called Linda and Rick’s Almanac, since Rick DeGraffenreid with the Shelter folks, will help to make it happen.  Click on the link at the top of the page that says “Linda’s Almanac” and find that “This is the month to rest up for busier times ahead and to make plans for the year’s operations.  Draw out a plan for your garden, order catalogues and select varieties.  Get your equipment in shape.  As days permit, clean up your garden area.  Spread manure and phosphate aids such as bone meal, wood ashes and fish wastes on garden areas, even on top of the snow.  Start onion seeds indoors late this month.  Keep bird feeders filled with seeds, bread crumbs and related foods.  For something bright, try forcing into bloom cuttings from flowering wood plants such as forsythia, flowering quince and crabapple.  Bring inside and place in water.”  Not everyone is wise to the virtue of planting by the signs.  Decrying the practice as “pure hokum,” a recent Champion guest, Professor Hiram P. Schmeckle, was impressed by the clean country air and fascinated by the nocturnal activities of the creatures inhabiting the creek near where he was staying, but otherwise a skeptic.  He is a city slicker, moreover a most stylistically promiscuous ambassador of all city slickery, and while he is an excellent cook, he is a relative neophyte when it comes to country living.  Dr. Schmeckle and Mr. Chide (Snide) spent many hours wrangling husbandry (animal, plant and female), history, philosophy, and about anything that did not include music.  On that they agree and found much good and pleasant to share.

        The broad and bonnie banks of Old Fox Creek are the setting for one of the world’s truly beautiful places.  The Recreation of the historic Emporium on the North Side of the Square, the little church nestled under the ancient walnut trees, the meeting of country lanes at the foot of lovely wooded hills all combine to define tranquility.  Bring your own definition and share it around the old wood stove that has warmed the spot for generations.  If there is a song that makes you feel warm when you are cold, please share it at or TCN, Rt. 72, Box 367, Norwood, MO 65717.  “I really can’t stay.”  “Baby, it’s cold outside.”  “I’ve got to go away.” “Baby, it’s cold outside” in Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!


November 24, 2014

November 23, 2014

CHAMPION—November 23, 2014

        Friends and family flooding into and out of Champion are readying for the feasts and celebrations of the season.  Hopes are for everyone to be safe on the road.  It is a dangerous place at best, with people thinking about the smells of pot luck dishes flooding the car, who they will see when they get there, things left undone at home and myriad other things.  Subtle color changes and damp pavement winding through dense woodlands and open fields with turkeys and bald eagles perched high and ready, the very definition of equipoise, and the possibility of deer appearing out of nowhere at any time, make giving attention to the road an exciting and challenging prospect.  Mix that concept with conversation and/or music and a driver needs to pay attention.  Arriving safely is plenty of reason to be thankful—turkey or not.

        Linda’s granddaughter is Danniel.  She just had her 20th birthday back on November 7th.  It is amazing that the years have gone by so quickly.  Linda has kept her sweet friendly smile and has maintained a good close relationship with the lovely Danniel.  Deward’s Daughter, the fair Marian, has just had her 85th birthday.  TCN has Marian to thank for “Looking on the Bright Side!”  She said that her dad had that good kind of attitude and passed it on.  She said he would talk about Champion as ‘the village.’  The Village of Champion wishes Marian a great day.  She is probably being overrun by cousins, daughters and the like.  When Champions see eagles, they think of Marian, because she is a real fan of the National bird.  South Champion Sue is reported to have been ‘Sue t’ bly’ celebrated on her day, the 23rd.  Brava!  Skyline fourth grader, Jhonn Rhodes, and first grader, Lane Watkins, share November 30th as their birthday.  They are fortunate to each have several years ahead of them at this fine institution.  Danniel is studying to be a teacher, Sue taught math, and Marian taught fourth grade for many years.  The Skyline R2 School is one of those precious little rural schools that define the heart of this community.  What a gift it will be to them in the future to be able to say, “There were eleven people in my fifth grade class.”  The good stuff is going on for them right now.  By the way, if you are headed down to the ‘Bright Side,’ feel free to drop your change or some extra bucks into that fruit jar that has the little note on it about The Skyline R2 School Foundation working toward getting some modern water fountains into the school.  Champion!

        It turns out that not everyone in Champion is connected to the internet.  Some unconnected people wonder sometimes just what they might be missing.  As a service to them, TCN (The Champion News) offers a transcript of some of the Facebook activity of last Friday evening.  Robert Upshaw posted:  “I’m proud of myself today.  Some wind bag was trying to get me to believe a farfetched tale of which I don’t think there was a whole lot of truth.  So I just asked him, ‘Do I have stupid written of my forehead?’  That pretty well shut him up.  All he said after that was, ‘Ha! Ha!  That wouldn’t be necessary,’ as he walked away.”  By 9:39 Linda Clark, Loretta Upshaw, Elva Upshaw Brott and 21 others had ‘liked’ this.  Tracee Davis said, “LOL.” (Laughing Out Loud).  Kristi Towe said, “Lol!” (Laughing out loud).   Sami McCleary said, “Lol now Robert did you visit Champion today?”  Brenda Coffman Massey said, “lolol.”  Rusty Ingram said, “Way to go Robert Upshaw.”  Lynnette Cantrell just laughed, “hahahahhaha.”  Cathie Alsup Reilly said, “lol.”  Brent Nunn said, “You got the best of that guy.  It got me thinkin, though, if anybody really has that on their forehead, and I looked in a mirror, just in case.  I’m probably OK, although I can’t read anything backwards.”  Connie Klund said, “Ya got him didn’t ya…”  Debbie Stone said, “Robert, you’re such a quick thinker!  Haha.”  Sylvia Williams McClellan said, “You weren’t talking to yourself were you?”  Robert Upshaw then said, “I used to ask myself questions, but the answers were so complicated I couldn’t understand them.”  Sylvia Williams McClellan said, “I figure that’s how I get the best answers.”  Brent Nun said, “Been known to argue with myself, and lose.”   River Stillwood said, “You really told him, Mr. Brilliant!”  Jewell Hall Elliot said, “Go Robert!!!” then “Oh, I forgot Go Robert Earl!!”  Tom Culler said, “…you must have been talking with someone who ‘works’ in Washing D.C., Bob!”  (A sad emoticon appears next.  It is just a combination of punctuation as in “:(”.)  And Virginia Canada said, “Ha! Ha!”   All this transpired over the course of two or three hours but references to it will probably go on for a day or two.  Scrolling on down, a person can see somebody scratching the belly of a tiny pig and then there might be a little video of The McClurg Jam.  In the middle of many of other things the next day was this:  “I’m thanking River Stillwood at the Vanzant Country Store in advance.  She is going to make a little plague for my forehead which will read, “STUPID DON’T LIVE HERE ANYMORE.”  She thinks, for my best interests, I should wear it 24/7.  Again, Thanks, River.”  To end this extraordinarily long paragraph, do you folks without computers think you are missing much?

        Ms. Anne Thrope writes in as if TCN is her personal soap box.  “You Liberals think you’ve won this Keystone XL thing, but you are in for a fight.  They’ll not give up on this.  The Koch brothers have mountains of money you cannot imagine that they will throw at this thing until people are so tired of it that they will forget to care.  Nobody will spend a dollar or a minute to remind people about the Mayflower oil spill in Arkansas.  Didn’t hear about it?  Surprise, surprise!  Everybody was so warped out of shape over Benghazi and the House of Representatives has just issued its report that says it was a non-deal.  Come on people!  Are we foxes or coyotes?”  She did have some nice things to say about those old hippies Neil Young and Willie Nelson out there in Nebraska giving concerts and support to the farmers and Native Americans.  Perhaps she will explain the foxes and coyotes in her next rant.  Feel free to join the discussion at or in person around the big wood stove.

        On Wednesday a visitor to Champion met up with Dave Partell, who responded to, “How you doing?” with, “I’m too blessed to be stressed.”  That seems fine.  As the morning passed more regular Wednesday folks arrived…Ethel and Bob Leach were looking good and seemed to be comfortable with the weather and the things that change with their regular chores as a consequence.  The first week end of regular deer season resulted in the harvesting of 1,000 deer in Douglas County.  There are reports of some exotic game in the area as well.  Stay tuned for more information about this.  The population of the area is about to be boosted as Peanut Teagan-Super-Girl is about to be a big sister.  It is very exciting to be a resident of the Village, at the bottom of several hills, at the end of the pavement, on the wide, wild banks of Old Fox Creek.  Sing your favorite song of thanksgiving out on the spacious veranda of the Historic Emporium.  “Saddle me up a big white goose, tie me on her and turn her loose! Oh! Me! Oh My!  Love that country pie!”  Every day is full of Thanks giving in Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!


November 17, 2014

November 17, 2014

CHAMPION—November 17, 2014

        Sunday‘s dusting of snow was just enough to decorate each leaf in a way that made its shape more defined and the stresses of the cold on their colors precipitously invisible under the perfect garnish and it all looks clean and cool and perfect—like spring, but white.  Sycamores, white in colonnades along the creeks, are a conduit between snowy earth and sky.  An early entry to winter has Champion busy with preparations and plans for a snug few months ahead.  “What’s all this nonsense about global warming when we are so cold?”  The Old Champion replies, “Global warming is not climate warming.  It causes climate change, which will make it warmer or colder, wetter or dryer, depending on your location.  We’ve been colder than Alaska this week.  What climate change brings with it is extreme conditions.”  Champions are ready for whatever comes.

        “The great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all the other ages you’ve been.”  So said Madeleine L’Engle.  She was born in November of 1918, and lived until 2007.  She wrote poetry, plays, short stories and novels, including “A Wrinkle in Time.”  She has a number of quotes about birthdays.  Jill Sterling’s birthday was November 13th.  She was just in the neighborhood from Tulsa. Representing the Inconvenient Minors, she sat in on the regular Fortnight Bridge game on Saturday down at Vera Cruz.  Susan Needham (Southern Champion grandmother of Seamus, Zack, and Elizabeth and astute political observer) has her birthday on November 23rd; Waylin Moon (Skyline 8th grader) has his party the 24th; Skyline second grader, Faith Crawford, shares her birthday with super-teacher, Lannie Hinote, on the 26th.  W.A. Marsters (born Richard Masters in 1831) was an English adventurer who settled on Palmerston Island in the Cook Islands in 1863.  He died in 1899 at the age of 67.  He had three wives, 23 children and 134 grandchildren.  W.A. Masters, farmer, born in Frog Level, Oklahoma in 1914, had his birthday on the 27th.  He was the survivor of twins, father of three, a one man band.  Alyssa Thornhill is a Kindergarten student with a birthday on November 28th, Ally Smith, third grader and kindergarten student, Billy Strong, share the 29th.  All the ages we have been are worth celebrating.

        Nine year old Champion, Foster Wiseman, tells the story of his first deer hunt when he harvested an eight point buck:

        History, they say, is written by the winners.  The modern Thanksgiving holiday tradition is traced back to a poorly documented 1621 celebration at Plymouth in present-day Massachusetts, but did not become a regular affair in New England until the late 1660’s.  A fall harvest festival goes back beyond the English Reformation in the 1530’s.  Who knows how long the Green Corn Festival had been celebrated among the Wampanoag and other Native peoples?  The first official “Day of Thanksgiving” was proclaimed in 1637, by Governor Winthrop.  He did so to celebrate the safe return of men from the Massachusetts Bay Colony who had gone to Mystic, Connecticut to participate in the massacre of over 700 Pequot women, children and men.  The United American Indians of New England observe a National Day of Mourning in Plymouth at noon on Thanksgiving Day.  Every year Native people from throughout the Americas gather to stand out in the cold in peaceful dissent of the pilgrim mythology which says that the pilgrims arrived, the Native people fed them and welcomed them, the Indians promptly faded into the background, and everyone lived happily ever after.  Now Nebraska farmers of European descent are standing alongside the Rosebud Sioux Tribe against the Keystone Pipeline as it threatens the precious Oglala Aquifer.  Everyone is grateful for the harvest—food family and friends—but history marches on.  Champions will enjoy their turkey and dressing, their family and friends, but will not pretend that any of us know the truth about how we got here.  Will you have canned cranberry sauce, or fresh?  “Hooray for the fun!  Is the pudding done?  Hooray for the pumpkin pie!”

        Cinita Brown from way across town has written in with a story about Cletis Upshaw.  While visiting with him in his home in Norwood in the late 1990’s she was pleased to find photographs on his wall of most of the early, east end Douglas County men who made history.  She inquired about a familiar looking one and Cletis answered, “Girl, that is old Robert Hicks, the first representative of Douglas County.”  Later she and Kenny Brown went back and scanned Cletis’s photo collection which she says she will be happy to share.  TCN (The Champion News) is currently working on a page for the website dedicated to Cletis and will be pleased with Ms. Brown’s good input.  Share your Cletis stories and pictures at or by snail-mail at TCN, Rt. 72 Box 367, Norwood, MO 65717.

        The gentlemen from the east end Douglas County road shed have been busy down in Old Fox Creek.  They have a bucket loader down by the bridge and have been working the creek bed with the purpose of having water flow under the bridge and not over it.  Accomplishing routine and deferred maintenance is a way to keep things moving smoothly.  Angela Souder and Melissa Lang of the Douglas County Health Department will be back in Champion from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 on Tuesday the 25th.  They have probably already saved at least one Champion life with their blood pressure checking device.  Last month there were prominent citizens, and prominent girlfriends, cowboys, old timers, new-comers, some regular loafers and drop-ins who took advantage of the amenity.  Come down to the Recreation of the Historic Emporium on the north side of the Square any day and enjoy real community.  Country music star, Lynn Anderson’s song “Top of the World” says, “Such a feelin’s coming over me/ There is wonder in most everything I see/ Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes/  And I won’t be surprised if it’s a dream” … or Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!


November 10, 2014

November 10, 2014

CHAMPION—November 10, 2014

        It is hard to go anyplace in Champion for needing to stop every whip stitch to snap a photo or to gawk at a new view or to study something along the road closely.  A loose cow or horse in the road or a truck and trailer broken down blocking the way, maybe a neighbor out of gas and needing a ride—there is no end to what can get in the way sometimes.  Some missed Skyline’s Auxiliary meeting on Wednesday, but heard that it had been a most productive session nonetheless.  Sometimes obstacles and complications are just a way to extend the enjoyment of the journey the Champion way.

        Let the Champion Cavalcade of Birthdays commence!  Bob Leach (a Wednesday philosopher married to the fair Ethel) November 4th; Chuck Barns—Charles Burton Barns—(Linda’s Dad) November 11, 1916; Sherman Hall (Skyline 7th grader) the 12th; Madeline Vivod (Prekindergarten at Skyline) the 13th; Robert Louis Stevenson (19th Century Scottish author born in Edinburgh ) November 13, 1850; Rich Heffern (who pierced the Iron Curtin at the Berlin Wall in 1973) the 15th; Raven Hull (Skyline third grader) the 16th; Caleb Barker (Skyline Prekindergarten student) the 17th; Julie-January-Ring (Sweet Seven Springs Sister) the 19th together with Elva Ragland (music lover and alumnus of the Champion School).  Oprah says “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”  Champions say, “Happy Days!”

        Veterans and all those who serve the Nation are much in the thoughts of the world in these days leading up to the observance of November 11, 1918, as the end of “the war to end all wars.”  Sadly, it did not work, by the 1930’s the world was in an uproar again.  Some say there has never been a time in the world when there was no conflict anywhere.  Throughout history, violence has been observed in every human society.  Some say the best way to honor a Veteran is to not make any more.  World leaders and power hungry zealots are not likely to buy into that way of thinking.  For those who sacrificed themselves to the noble causes, the dedication of the Garden of Remembrance goes, “They shall not grow old/ As we that are left grow old/ Age shall not weary them/ Nor the years condemn/ At the going down of the sun…/ And in the morning/ We will remember them.”  The census report in 2013 revealed that there are 19.6 million military veterans in the United States, 3.6 million of them have service connected disabilities and 14.7 million of them voted in the 2012 election.  That is seventy percent.  Veterans make good citizens.  They are family, friends and neighbors who have earned the respect and gratitude of the Nation.  Shake their hands and thank them for their service.  They are Champions.

        Election officials say that Champion and the two other townships that vote with it were able to muster a total of 253 votes on November 4th.

        A West-End Friend shared an interesting article from the Christian County Headliner News about the Ava/Barker Saw.  One of the gents from the Older Iron Club out of Cabool takes one of these amazing machines down to the Pioneer Gathering every year and demonstrates its power and relative flexibility.  It was the precursor of the chain saw and quite an innovation for the time.  Reading the history of the saw is like a ‘who’s who’ of Vanzant and Ava with names like the inventor, Albert P. Smith and his son, Ivil, William Isam Barker, Doc Sallee, Elmo Hartley, Paul Barker, Noble A. Barker and his son Noble G. Barker.  The first saw came off the line in 1947, and over the course of time the business changed names and ownership and eventually became the property of Homelite in the mid 1950’s.  A few of the original saws are still working, and many are in parts in junk yards, like the West-End Friend’s own.  The article says there were approximately 1,000 Ava Saws and more than 2,000 Barker Saws manufactured and sold.  Probably some were sold in Ava Lumber.  Many remember Kris Kottmeier, who passed away recently, as being that handsome, smiling guy in the family lumber business.   Among his belongings was a pristine brochure for the Ava/Barker Saw which his sister, Susie, shared with his friend.  Mementos, souvenirs, keepsakes are all reminders of friendships, kinships and the swift passage of time.

Young Cletis Upshaw

        Apparently Loretta Upshaw and her dad, the General, took a flight of fancy and wound up in an airplane with some guy (Ray Davidson) who was flying the plane.  Loretta posted some great pictures.  They were flying over Vera Cruz and Robert Upshaw said, “This meadow is where the county seat of Douglas County was at before, during, and after the Civil War.  A battle took place here in November 1862.  There is a small cemetery less than 40 yards from the right point of the meadow.  Cathie Alsup Reilly has ancestors buried there.  Present day Vera Cruse is about three miles downstream (to the left) on Bryant Creek.”  Then Cathie Alsup Reilly said on line, “Cletis was so very happy the day we made it to the grave sites.  He had never been there before and didn’t know about the graves.  I had made plans for Cinita and Logan Brown to lead us there once I discovered the location.  The Eagle Scouts back in the 60’s had built a rock wall around the area of the graves in order to try to preserve it.  Cletis never got to go back and actually had a rough time walking to the area that day even though it wasn’t far from where we had to leave the truck.  A nice young man had him sit on the back of his 4 wheel drive and drove him right to the site.  Cletis talked about the visit many times after that, and the month before he passed he asked a special request of me concerning the site.  Robert Upshaw helped me carry that request out in May of the next year.  Jeremiah Coats is buried there along with other family members.  Jeremiah was mine and Cletis’ great grandfather. “Cathie said that Cletis was a walking encyclopedia of the area, but this part of the family history was new to him.  Champions miss Cletis.  He was a Veteran and a real native son.  Cathie has shared some pictures of him in his youth and later years that will be posted on The Champion News website at  Anyone with a story to tell about Cletis is encouraged to email it to or mail to TCN, Rt. 72 Box 367, Norwood, MO 65717.

        Ms. Ann Thrope writes again and says that through her “perspectacles” she sees that when we aggrandize patriotism and celebrate militarism we are not honoring the dead of war, we are enticing the living to join them.  Pretty much everything she has to say is negative.  She could stand to spend some time with her cousin, Phil N. Thrope, and maybe some of his generosity of spirit will rub off on her.  A person can hear all kinds of things, but it turns out that some folks live so far back in the sticks that they do not get AM radio.  There is something called the Cracker Barrel somewhere out on the airwaves, and a guy named Brushy Knob John, is making fun of a prominent Champion, calling him “Rumpletaterskin” figuring he is spinning potatoes into gold.  Add your malarkey to the mix around the wood stove at the Historic emporium.  It is fixing to get cold.  Darrel Haden wrote, “Winter:  a hardening of the year’s arteries, when blue cold is blown out of snowbanked skies.  But winter is also a warm time of holidays, friends, and firesides.”  Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!


November 3, 2014

November 3, 2014

CHAMPION—November 3, 2014

        Even with plenty of warning, abrupt changes are surprising.  Wood smoke perfumes the hollows and all that brilliant, glorious color is muted to mostly brown now with only a little gold hanging on.  Just last week a Champion wrote, “The breeze has picked up and from flash to twinkling the air is filled with yellow leaves looking like a mass migration of something magic.”  The cold descended on Halloween making it somehow more spooky.  Linda Clark reported a while back that she was alone one night reading “The Headless Cobbler of Smallett Cave” on the website, when an unexpected noise erupted somewhere in the house gave her a start and a faster pulse.  She laughed about it and also laughed about slipping on some slick leaves, taking a tumble off a bluff and going on a roll down the hill.  She says she is ok but sore from head to toe.  Best wishes from your Champion friends.

        A great friend of The Champion News, Walter Darrell Haden, will be buried in the Spring Creek Cemetery on Election Day.  He cut a dashing figure around Ava in his younger days and moved on to a PhD from Vanderbilt University and a 37 year career as an English professor at the University of Tennessee.  “The Headless Cobbler” and “All the Late News from the Courthouse” are a couple of his pieces that are familiar to people in this neck of the woods.  He wrote “When Winters Were Long, The Tales Taller” for the White River Valley Historical Quarterly (Volume 4, number 8—Summer 1972) which is available on line and probably in the local library.  He was active in country music and folklore associations and was considered the academic last-word concerning the history of traditional music.  He wrote the definitive biography of Vernon Dalhart, a fascinating individual who was the first country music recording artist to attain a following for himself and commercial country music.  Portions of the biography appear in “Long Steel Rails:  The Railroad in American Folksong,” an anthology by Norm and David Cohen.  He came from a family seeped in old time music.  Charlie Haden, who passed away this year came from the same roots and began his career playing on the radio with the Haden Family Band.  He later migrated into jazz where he found great success and in later years came back again to bluegrass.  In a note that came with a gift of a CD called “Beyond the Missouri Sky” on which Charlie collaborated with guitarist Pat Metheny, Darrell wrote, “Charlie’s grandfather, Homer Fielden Haden and my grandfather, Walter Dewitt Haden (1876-1961), grew up together in Smallett.  Their fathers were father and son while their mothers were sisters.”  They sound like Champions.  Darrell and his wife, Betty, visited Champion in 2007, while the original store still stood.  He was a regular correspondent from the time this version of “Champion Items” first appeared and his encouragement has been priceless.  Condolences go to his family as we miss one of their brightest stars.

        A number of stalwart Champions showed up on the last Tuesday of the month to take advantage of The Douglas County Health Department program to provide free blood pressure readings and other health screenings to local residents.  Angela Souder was back again and this time had her “lung age” machine with her.  A 75 year old Champion who smoked for 30 years and quit smoking 20 years ago, who took a turn fighting fires for the conservation department and who still heats with wood was pleased to learn that his lungs are only five years older than the rest of his body.  Angela had help this time provided by a third year nursing student, Melissa Lang of Seymour who is learning the ropes of being a rural health care provider.  Melissa is familiar with the area and will be welcome back any time.

        Foster Wiseman was out early on Saturday morning with his dad on the opening day of the youth deer hunting season.  They arrived before daylight and found their blind.  (Foster says all the trees look alike in the dark.)  By ten o’clock he had his 8 point buck.  The details are exciting and Foster has agreed to write them himself for publication here.  Look for it soon.

        Birthdays are a big deal and there are many to celebrate in the week ahead.  Elijah and Arjuna Flenner (now in their 40’s) celebrated on the first of November;  Kellie Perryman, Skyline 3rd grader, on the 3rd together with counselor Mrs. Beeler;  another 3rd grader, Hailey Hall, on the 4th; Emerson Rose Ogelsby (Champion granddaughter) on the 5th; Sharon Upshaw (Mrs. General) on the 6th;  Kathy Barns (Linda’s sister) on the 6th; Skyline first grade student, Mason Solomon, on the 7th; Bob Heffern (Grandfather Weltanschauung) of Champion South on the 8th; and Skyline second grade student, J.D. Borders, celebrates on November 9th.  May beauty and happiness surround you on your birthdays and always!

        The Eastern Douglas County Volunteer Fire Department will have their annual chili supper and benefit auction at the Vanzant Community Building on Saturday, November 8th, with dinner starting at 5:30 and the auction at 6:30.  See you there!  Jeff Goss writes from Billings, MO with a report of the Christian Agricultural Stewardship Conference that was held there at the Vanzant Community Building on October 3rd.  He says that attendance was small but the program was most informative.  Vernon Kinsinger’s talk on the fascinating science of epigenetics revealed that environment and nutrition can affect the expression of genes for up to four generations.  He says that means a person’s nearsightedness might be partly due to his grandmother having received an overdose of some trace elements from canning jar lids.  It also means that living a healthy lifestyle will benefit yourself, your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  Marian Schrippe of the Ozark County Homegrown Food Project says that the Ozark Farmers’ Co-op hopes to get some university grant funding to build a tomato grading plant in Mountain Grove or possibly Vanzant.  Then they will just need to find enough growers willing to raise tomatoes, which Goss contends should not be too much of a problem with Booger County’s tomato history.  Jeff has a precise and legible handwriting—a joy to read.

        A note from Ms. Ann Trope is an emotional scrawl, hard to make out.  Politics has her in a tizzy and she seems aggravated with the whole human race.  In her tirade she asks, “How…how can intelligent people not see that they have the power to affect the quality of their own lives?  Vote! Vote!”  Her passion produces holes in the paper with her exclamation points—her penmanship expresses megahertz of volume.  She is most fearful that the future of democracy in America already is in the hands of Ollie Garkey, “who, believe me!” she says, “is not promoting a progressive agenda!  If a little rain shower keeps you from the polls, you will get just what you deserve!  Wake up!”  No return address makes Ann a mystery and by the time this is in ink the midterms will have passed and a small number of people will have made the decisions that affect everyone.  Come gather round the same wood stove that has been warming Champions for generations.  Spin your yarns and exchange your views.  Try to remember the words to “All the Late News from the Courthouse” and the stories behind the song.  While you are at it, spend a moment to marvel at the beauty and tranquility of a little spot on the banks of a creek, where country roads meet at the bottom of several hills at the end or beginning of the pavement—Champion!  Looking on the Bright Side!


October 27, 2014

October 27, 2014

CHAMPION—October 27, 2014

        At age 8 days Carson Cline made his first visit to Champion on Sunday.  His brother, cousins, parents, aunts and uncles, grandmother and friends all enjoyed a good look at him.  He is a fine looking fellow starting out in life with a wonderful support system.  He is a real Champion!

        Halloween is just around the corner “and the goblins will get you-if-you–don’t–watch-OUT!”  It is All Hallows Eve that marks the time in the year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed believers.  The theme of using humor and ridicule to confront the power of death shows up in the costumery and trickery, so enjoy the ridiculousness and irony with treats for the children, knowing that the sugar is not good for them.  “The Day of the Dead” in Latin American countries happily celebrates those dear departed ones with gaily painted skeletons bedecked with flowers.  In Celtic lands, the Beltane Fire Society observes Samhain on October 31st where Winter symbolically slays Summer in a great pageant full of drumming and fire and blue painted people.  Earliest Irish literature mentions the event as part of the time when preparations were being made for winter, when there were feasts where places were set at the table for souls of the dead kin.  Great bonfires were built and were thought to have healing and cleansing properties.  Certainly the Beltane Fire Society is doing its part in keeping the traditional Scottish skills of street theatre, music and pageantry alive.  The end of summer and rise of winter is celebrated in Champion with standard trick or treat fare and elaborate pumpkin art.  Locals spend time up on the wide veranda at the Historic Emporium gawking at the beauty of the season’s changing and relishing sweet memories of loved ones gone on.

        More things are visible from the road now as the leaves are falling and vegetation is wan due of the lateness of the season and the dry conditions.  Up and down the roads lately a very specialized tractor has been pruning and preening.  This instrument is operated by one of the fine gentleman of the Douglas County Road Works.  The bright green tractor has a closed in cab that is surely equipped with super safety glass sides and ‘sun roof.”  It has a blade on the back, but the main attraction is an articulated bush hog boom mower.  “Articulated” in that it has pivoting joints that allow the big chewing machine to operate overhead or at any necessary angle with maximum flexibility (“articulated” the impressed observer.)  The overgrown roadsides are now opened up so the school busses do not get scratched going through the tunnels.  In places things look rough and mangled, chewed-up, but the fallen leaves conceal some of the brush and by spring it will all be just glorious—like a bad haircut grown out again.

        Asked about the Dobbs Reunion, Laine Sutherland said that they missed Uncle Ralph Dobbs who passed away this past summer.  He was born in Bertha in Douglas County in 1922.  He graduated from Ava High School and joined the CCC.  He earned his bachelor’s degree in agriculture from Southwest Missouri State and joined the U.S. Marine Corps in 1942.  He married his sweetheart, Sherry Sherwood, and they raised five daughters while he continued his education, worked as a county Extension agent, taught graduate level courses at the College of Education at MU and became a professor emeritus in 1985.  He raised top quality Registered Polled Hereford cattle.  He was active with the Central Missouri Honor Flight program.  Professor Dobbs lived to be 91 years old.  J.C. Owsley said, “R. C. was my teacher, mentor, and friend for many years. The insight into adult education and group process skills that he shared contributed to my career success. His respect for his roots, love of polled Herefords, and his sharp wit will always be remembered.”

        The extended season has some gardeners still enjoying tomatoes, peppers, beans, and greens.  One family is overrun with turnips waiting on Lem and Ned to come do some trading.  Meanwhile, the thought of year round gardening is not an original one.  Jeffrey Goss Jr. is a Chartered Herbalist who has written articles for the Countryside & Small Stock Journal concerning winter gardening.  “The 365-day Vegetable Garden, no greenhouse, no plastic, no containers, no joke!” looks like it is going to be an interesting read.  Meanwhile he suggests that “The Harris Farmer’s Almanac” is most suited to the Ozarks of all the major almanacs.  He says that the almanac is available through Shelter Insurance.  Rick DeGraffenreid of the Ava office says that they generally get the almanacs in toward the end of November and he will include their arrival in his weekly ad in the newspapers.  He says that Shelter Insurance has been giving these away since 1946, and that people in this area really rely on them.  Linda’s Almanac from over at The Plant Place in Norwood is a compilation of Ramon’s Brownie Calendar and Blum’s Almanac.  With luck, next year the amalgam will include this new old publication.  Thanks, Jeff and Rick.

        Vanzantians were busy over the week end.  The General, his amazing wife and other family members took a stroll down memory lane with a tour of the old home place once occupied by Morton and Mable Upshaw.  They scrambled up bluffs that may have had a hidden panther den long ago and where grapevine swings out into the air provided plenty of excitement.  There was also talk of a search for water one time—aided by dynamite.  Internet pictures and videos of the outing sent waves of nostalgia through extended family members.  Other day trippers paused for lunch at the Vanzant Country Store where River cooked up some excellent burgers and curly fries and had genuine ginger ale on hand to wash it down.  Neighborhood changes may be turning this thriving interim enterprise into “River’s Bistro.”  Bravo!

        Oklahoma neighbor Woody Guthrie had a sign on his old guitar that said, “This Machine Kills Fascists!”  Scotland’s Bobbie Nicholson has adopted the slogan and it is a good one.  A friend recently posted, “Not voting is not rebellion; it is surrender.”  Whatever your views, the voting franchise has been hard won and hard maintained.  So much is at stake.  Participate!  “This land is your land, this land is my land from California to”… Champion!  Looking on the Bright Side!


October 20, 2014

October 20, 2014

CHAMPION—October 20, 2014

        Autumn’s hues and migrating birds are conspiring to make Champion a brilliant place.  Add the colorful locals to the mix for a winning combination.  Prowlers along the country lanes are rewarded with postcard views around every turn and random high spots reveal distant vistas to remember.

        The Fall Festival at the Skyline School was a great success.  Look for pictures in the papers.  Queen Morgan Whitaker and King Waylon Moon were attended by Princess Hailey Hall and Prince Zackary Coon–the royal court having been elected by the school community.  The event was organized to help the school clubs and the school foundation raise funds for their various activities this fall, as well as an outlet for some prekindergarten to eighth grade seasonal energy.  There were some great bargains at the auction and Joy Beeler won the chili cook off.  Pie contest judges are thinking to make pies themselves next year so as to be eliminated as judges.  Some kind person made a generous $50.00 donation toward the water fountain project.  The fruit jar on the counter at Henson’s G & G is also getting some good attention toward that goal.  Drinking lots of clean water (delivered by a safe, hygienic drinking fountain) is one of those good-health lessons that benefit children for their lifetime.  Clean water and wellness cannot be separated.

        The first Tuesday of each month, the Douglas County Health Department comes to the school from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. to do free blood pressure readings for anyone in the community.  The last Tuesday of the month, the 28th, Angela Souder of the DCHD will be in Champion from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.  She sets up back in the meeting room of the Historic Emporium and does free blood presser checks.  She can give you a reading of your body mass index—a very sophisticated diagnostic tool that helps identify health risks.  Angela can also test you for carbon monoxide.  She may be bringing a ‘lung age’ machine this time to evaluate the health of your lungs.  It is a good service to the area.

        Drayson Cline shares his birthday (August 23rd) with his great grand-father, Charlie Cline.  Now he has to share is great-grandfather with a new little brother.  Carson Krider Cline arrived on Saturday the 18th and came in at seven pounds plus.  So Kalyssa and Foster Wiseman, Teagan Krider, Eli and Emmy Oglesby and Dillon and Dakota Watts now have a new first cousin.  Madelyn and Shelby Ward have a new distant cousin (grandmother’s sister’s grandchildren) and the briar patch that is the community family tree has a welcome new addition.  Champion!

        Breauna (Teagan’s mom) Krider will share her birthday on the 24th with Sandy Chapin, who is the grandfather of a young guy named Atticus Umba Fowler.  October 25th is the birthday of Roger Miller.  He was born in 1936, and died in 1992.  He was responsible for a great deal of wonderful music including “Dang Me” and “King of the Road.”  Everyone has his favorite Roger Miller song.  Mishbucha, Brian Oglesby and Harley Krider share the 26th as their birthday.  Now the distant Champion is older than a lot of people in the neighborhood again so he can enjoy their deference and respect once more.  Nicolas Georges is a preschool student at Skyline.  His birthday is the 28th of October.  Royce Henson and Connie Lansdown share October 30th and will have big family celebrations to mark their birthdays.  Two fifth grade students, Kimberly Carder and Cheyenne Hall, have Halloween birthdays.  They can share the day with Skyline Superintendent Jeannie Curtis.  Happy birthday, ladies, and “Boo!”  Austin friend, Felipe Heston, celebrates his birthday on Halloween too.  Felicidades, compadre!

        The Vanzant Community building is a busy place. The bluegrass jams on Thursdays are lovely—pot luck at 6:00 and music, music, music.  The Dobbs Family reunion will be there and will start at 11:00 a.m. on the 25th.  Laine Sutherland posted that folks should bring their own table service and drinks along with their potluck contribution as well as their photos and stories of the Dobbs and associated families to share.  On the 8th the Eastern Douglas County Fire Department will have its chili supper and auction there.  It is a nice place.  Betty Thomas reported that the East Dogwood School Reunion was a pleasant affair on Saturday over at the Evansdale Church.  Fred Follis had printed up a bunch of old songs, cartoons and poetry from his era of schooling there and it was most interesting.  She said there was not any singing, but a fine dinner, some good photographs taken and old acquaintances renewed.  Betty is still resting up from the Pioneer Gathering—a well-deserved rest.

        Legendary water researcher, author and emissary for peace, Dr. Masaru Emoto, passed away on Friday.  He was only 71.  That now seems young to some people who are approaching that age.  His documented research has shown that thoughts, words, emotions, prayer, and music have a direct effect on water-crystal formation, and since our bodies and our planet are mostly water, our thoughts and words affect not only ourselves, but also the world around us.  For over 30 years he shared his message of the power of Love and Gratitude in creating peace on our planet through his understanding of water’s true nature.  Many people in this area live here because of the quality of the water.  The old timers who migrated in from Kentucky and Tennessee settled near the rivers, creeks and springs.  Arrowhead and artifact collectors can attest to indigenous peoples having lived near these waters in centuries past.  The community is working toward providing clean, fresh drinking water for the school children.  Others are putting forth effort to bringing last August’s Amendment 1 back to the ballot, since the wording on the ballot did not reflect the content and intent of the amendment, and water quality may hang in the balance.  As Susan Needham conveyed in her letter, as few as 22% of the registered voters may show up for a given election and therefore as few as 11.1% of registered voters can control the outcome of elections that can affect the lives of everyone.  It takes some effort to become informed and good information is not always in the easiest place to find it.  Believe what people tell you or find out for yourself, but participate.  That way you will have the right to gripe if things do not go your way.  If they do go your way, it will be because you had a hand in it.  If you find out later that your way was the wrong way, you’ll be glad if it lost, and admonished if it won.

        Take that Sunday drive any day of the week down to the broad beautiful banks of Old Fox Creek.  The foliage is magnificent.  The broad veranda of the Recreation of the Historic Emporium provides a perfect perch for viewing and a suitable spot for visiting with friends and neighbors on a lovely fall day.  Sing Roger Miller’s “You can’t roller skate in a buffalo herd, but you can be happy if you’ve a mind to!” in Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!


October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014

CHAMPION—October 13, 2014

        On her way to Champion Sunday afternoon a local resident found herself following a slow moving pick up.  At a discreet distance, she enjoyed the leisureliest trip to Champion she has had, apart from the few times she walked it and the few times she rode the wagon train in the other direction.  Anyway, it was a beautiful outing and she was reminded that it is good to slow down sometimes on a day nice enough to have the windows open.  Some trees change colors from the top down and some sumac starts out red and turns purple. The recent rains have brought up some enormous mushrooms.  At last the truck reached the pavement and it turned west up WW, still in Sunday driver mode.  Bow season is on already and rural residents are accustomed to the deliberate pace of camouflaged country cruisers.  It would be nice if they came during the week to contribute to the local economy and would be even nicer if they took their litter with them.  Who, though, could blame anyone for wanting an unhurried trip through Champion?

        Betty and Dale Thomas had three to four thousand people come down to their place on Saturday and Sunday last.  They came from all over Missouri, from Colorado, Arizona, California, Indiana, Illinois, Montana, Texas, Tennessee, Idaho, Louisiana and China.  Phyllis Swafford brought the exchange student from China and reports are that she and everyone else had a marvelous time at the 13th Annual Pioneer Descendant’s Gathering.  The music and food and demonstrations were all top notch.  Betty said they had twelve primitive camps this year and that the Sunday service up at the pavilion was very well attended.  One of the muzzle loader guys, Don Stafford of Gainesville, won the lovely hand quilted buffalo quilt.  He came in second behind Ed Paterka in the shooting, but first in the quilt.  It was a lot of fun and a lot of work for Betty and Dale to organize it all.  They had some volunteers to help close things up and put things away afterwards.  Planning is already underway for next year.  It really is an excellent gift to the area and Champion friends hope it will continue for years to come.  Among the authors attending this year were Cinita Brown of Ava, Vincent Anderson of Gainesville and David Allen Durer of Forsyth.  More than these complimentary words will be written about the gathering.

        The fruit jar on the counter at the Recreation of the Historic Emporium over on the North Side of the Square is steadily gathering funds to help the Skyline R2 School Foundation buy new, modern water coolers for the school.  The existing drinking fountains were original equipment when the school was built back in the 1950’s.  Some of the students attending Skyline back then are great-grandparents now.  Many of them will be at the Skyline Fall Festival on Friday where there will be fun and food and games for all.  There will be a live auction of some of the fine student art work and a variety of items donated by local businesses and individuals.  It will be a great evening—6:00 to 9:00 p.m. and the weather looks like it will be perfect for a family outing.

        A new Skyline alumnus grandson, Ryden Alen Coon, came in at 6 pounds 2 ounces and arrived on October 11.  His happy parents are Laurie and Randy Coon.  His grandparents are getting lots of attention from family and friends.  He has great-grandparents too—lucky kid.  Joe Moskaly has his birthday on the 15th of October and his charming neighbor, Darlene Connor, celebrates on the 18th.  Donna Moskaly enjoys her birthday on the 20th and shares it with Betty Swain of Mansfield.  Betty is a consummate bridge player, somewhat past 90 now, a great fan of the no-trump bid.  Marty Watts has his birthday on the 20th also.  Lonnie Krider is reported to have said he should have shot Marty the first time he came walking up the driveway.  He wound up marrying the elder Krider daughter and taking her off to Tennessee.  Cyanna Davis is in the 4th grade at Skyline.  Her birthday is also on the 20th.  The next day is given over to remembrances of Anna Henson.  She kept a close eye on Champion business and was famous for her memory.  Her sense of humor was such that if a person were buying a Snicker, they would get another one with a smile from Anna.  Kindergarten student, Haylee Surface, 7th grader Talia Mancia and Skyline’s cook, Ms. Beth, all share the 22nd as their special day.  It’ll be a Wednesday, so there will be fun at school that day.  Peanut Teagan–Supergirl’s mom, Breauna Krider, will celebrate her birthday on the 24th.  Breauna’s brother-in-law, Bryan Ogelsby, and her uncle-in-law, Harley Krider, share the 26th as their birthday.  Harley is feeling better these days according to his family, so much so that he has sent word to tease certain Champions that they are now as old as he is…just until Sunday.  His friends wish him and the lovely Barbara great day.

        Wilma Hutchison organized another good photo of Bud’s Fall Trail Ride.  She got the riders all lined up in front of Henson’s Grocery and Gas for a shot before they took off on their ride Wednesday.  Bud said that they all had much enjoyed the ride and the good company.  This time he was joined by Hershel Letsinger, Dale Lawson, Doran Coberly, Bob Wheeler, Larry Warrick, Don Hamby and Frank Williams.  Wilma’s picture will be in the papers one of these days and readers will be able to see what fun looks like on horseback.  Minnie Jo (Lorett) Henson was down at the Pioneer Gathering with Royce and said that she would send “Walk of Ages” pictures to The Champion News.  They have arrived and soon people will be able to go to to see what fun looks like afoot.  Stay tuned.

        Columbus Day is called Indigenous People’s Day in some places these days and some people do not like it.  History is written by the winners and the truth of the past takes some effort to discern and may be so blurred through different perspectives as to be unfindable.  Recently some high school students have protested that history courses are being altered to reflect a more tranquil, less volatile recent past of the country than actual facts portray.  If the Nation appears more orderly, dissent is less likely, dissent being one of the best aspects of democracy.  It is easy to create the perception that our actions are always ethical and honorable, while those of our opponents are always unethical and dishonorable.  Jesse David Ing, big time Hollywood producer and frequent childhood visitor to Champion, said “If the 99% voted they would get what they want.”  He is a clever fellow.  In a letter to the editor October 7, 2010, Susan Needham wrote, “Change is a naturally occurring event; the most you can hope for is to steer it in the right direction.”  The deadline to register to vote for the November 4th election was October 8th.  Those registered already are encouraged to be informed and to participate in the process.  Those not registered are encouraged to do so and to join in the steering.

        Steer through the Missouri Earthquake Drill this week.  “This Island Earth” is a song adopted by The OACC folks as an anthem:  “Calling all dreamers and optimistic fools.  Don’t let go of your dream.  Make it now, make it all come true.  If you believe in a brighter day, I know we can find our way…” to Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!
