October 6, 2014

October 6, 2014

CHAMPION—October 6, 2014

        Champion pumpkins are frost free and ready for the season…ready to be turned into jack-o-lanterns and pies and lattes.  They will be sitting around being decorous on bales of hay or next to dried corn shocks and chrysanthemums.  Some will stand alone on the porch and be all the decoration the changing season needs.  Some will wind up as chicken feed and some will have their seeds roasted for snacks.  Champion Pumpkin!

        See what children can do with pumpkins at the Skyline Fall Festival on the 17th of October.  That is a week from Friday. There will be lots of fun and games for the whole family.  The school and the Skyline R2 School Foundation have a big push on to collect some funds to replace the aging water fountains in the school.  All you alumni, here about and far-flung, and residents of the school district, past and present, are invited to participate in the upgrade.  Cool, clean water for the kids seems like a worthwhile project.  Come to the Fall Festival, Friday, October 17th, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., or contact the school to find out how you can help. 

        Angela Souder grew up in Romance and works for Douglas County Health Department.  She will be in Champion from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. on the last Tuesday of each month doing blood pressure checks.  She can give you a reading of your body mass index and she can test you for carbon monoxide.  She may be bringing a ‘lung age’ machine with her next time.  It is a device that can evaluate the health of your lungs.  It is free and a great service to the eastern areas of the county to have this assistance to help people take a more active part in maintaining their own good health and Champions appreciate the attention.  The Health Department offers free blood pressure readings at Skyline School on the first Tuesday of each month from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m.

            Crystal Miller in grew up in Brixey.  Her family ran the store there for many years.  Todd Miller had the good fortune to win her heart and they have been making beautiful music together for a long time now.  He plays the banjo and Crystal plays the standup bass and sings.  She has a beautiful clear voice.  When you see “Hunter Creek” on the playbill, that is Todd and Crystal, together with some other nice folks.  To illustrate how quickly time flies, their son Eli is now twelve years old.  Crystal has recently had back surgery and is in Cox Hospital.  Her family and friends are sending her their prayers and best wishes for a good outcome and a speedy recovery.  Crystal Miller, Rt. 5 Box 590, Ava, MO 65608 is the address for well-wishers to send those cards and notes of encouragement.  She grew up in Brixey, lives over on Hunter Creek, but she is a real Champion.

        A note came from Pete Proctor saying his birthday is in February.  Champion Birthday Records show it to be on the 18th of that month.  The report of a recent birthday for him proved to be a ‘test’ just to see if he really reads The Champion News.  Good job, Pete!

        In all the excitement several birthdays have slipped by unnoticed.  Who could have imagined that former President Jimmy Carter might share a birthday with a Prominent Champion?  The President is now 90 years old.  The Champion is younger but shares many of the laudable traits of the Nobel Peace Prize winner.  They are both accomplished wood workers, both civic minded with oversight to democratic elections.  Mr. Carter observes elections in developing nations around the world.  They also fancy well turned out brunettes and good home cooking.  They are organizers, delegators, good citizens, neighbors and friends.  Some have differing ideas about whether Mr. Carter was a ‘good president,’ but none can dispute he is a good man.  Meanwhile The General, another good man, has been hosting dinners, parties, picnics, peanut butter ice cream socials and assorted shenanigans in observance of various birthdays of his kinfolks.  His mother-in-law, Lucile Gayman, got the full treatment according to Shirley Squitiero who reported that the family had made a big wonderful deal of her Mother’s birthday.  Then came the double wingding of his sisters’ birthday.  Elizabeth Johnston and Tanna Wiseman did what they could to make it a surprise but their mothers found out and attended anyway.  Friends and family poured in from Springfield, Elkland, Drury, Champion and other places in a throng of about thirty to wish the Upshaw twins a happy day.  Eva (Coon) Clark has a birthday coming up on the 14th.  She grew up in Champion and broke hearts around the country.  She became a nurse and recently made a trip to Eastern Europe with the Doctors Without Borders.  She worked in Albania, Macedonia and Germany and found it to be a great experience.  More recently she helped Gary celebrate his birthday on the 3rd and/or the 6th.  She has grandchildren who were birthday shopping for her down at the Pioneer Gathering.  Birthday excitement is Champion.

        The Pioneer Descendant’s Gathering was another splendid event.  Saturday morning started out pretty cold for the campers there, but the day warmed up as the steady stream of visitors poured trough.  The stage coach and wagon rides were very popular as were all the demonstrations of the various crafts and skills of times past.  Friends who only see each other at this event were well met.  The music was sublime as so many area talents came out to share their gifts.  A Prominent Girlfriend, one of those well turned out brunettes, made her singing debut with “You Say it Best When You Say Nothing At All.”  Applause! Brava! Champion!

        A reader wished to call TCN to task for plagiarism, having said, “The power of willful ignorance cannot be overstated.”  The reader was right, that string of words had been lifted from an on-line narrative about industrial animal production back during the debate of the so called “Right to Farm” amendment.  It was an anonymous positing, so no credit was given to the author.  Dr. Joe Dispenza, prominent neuroscientists, says, “In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.”  George Bernard Shaw wrote, “Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”  Another anonymous person says that we are attached to what we know.  Liberals and Conservatives alike must now contend with another powerful group drawing activist from both sides.  These are the Selfservatives—another bit of selective lifting.

        Linda’s Almanac can be found on the bulletin board at Henson’s Grocery and Gas over on the North Side of the Square in Downtown Champion.  It is also on line at www.championnews.us and on the counter at The Plant Place over in Norwood.  There is good information there about when to prune to discourage or to encourage growth.  It says that the 16th to the 18th will be good days to harvest crops.  The weather forecast looks good for a frost free period until then.  Hopes are that Bud Hutchison’s Fall Trail Ride will be rain free on Wednesday.  There will be folks out on the spacious veranda at the Historic Emporium to see them off about ten that morning and to welcome them home in the mid afternoon.  Happy trails, fellers!  Friends following the adventures of J.C. Owsley imagine him singing, “I ride an Old Paint, I lead Old Dan. I’m off to Cheyenne to do the hoolihan.”  He’s been off to Old Jeff lately, doing good work for far thinkers and his efforts are lauded by Champions—Looking on the Bright Side!


September 29, 2014

September 29, 2014

CHAMPION—September 29, 2014

        Champions have been warned that, in terms of weather, the two weeks ahead are two of the four most beautiful weeks of the year in this lovely part of the world.  The other two weeks are those just past during which time Champion has been the destination of many visitors, some familiar with the area and some just out rambling.  On Tuesday Jim Cantrell, of Mansfield, and his buddies from the Gee Haw Horse and Wagon Club of Viola, Arkansas came back through town and camped for the night on the Square.  Locals knew they were coming so they had prepared some dishes to augment their supper.  Neighbors came out to visit around the campfire for a spell in the evening.  The travelers harnessed up and pulled out of town early the next morning planning to make it home on Friday.  The Gee Haw bunch were Ken Felts, Randall Barnett and Coy Stone.  Cantrell only went along with them because he had left his truck and trailer down in Arkansas.

        Bud Hutchison and a half dozen of his friends came riding in from Crystal Lake on Wednesday.  This was not Bud’s scheduled “Fall Ride,” but just a beautiful day to be in the saddle.  The scheduled ride will meet up at Champion on October 8th, and at about ten o’clock they will take off up Fox Creek and amble around over towards Vanzant.  Sometimes this is quite a large group of equestrians.  Wilma Hutchison always gets a good picture.  They make their loop and get back to Champion at two or three in the afternoon.  The neighborhood comes out to see them off and to welcome them back again.  Bob and Ethel Leach will likely be there to greet them, as well as Almartha’s mischievous motorcycle maven, and a prominent Champion and perhaps a prominent Champion girlfriend.  Everyone is welcome.

        Skyline VFD Auxiliary President Betty Dye will celebrate her birthday on October 7th.  She shares the day with OACC activist Vicky Trippe of Springfield and with Skyline prekindergarten student Macy Smith.  The OACC folks had a great gathering at the Hammond Mill Camp recently.  They support the environment, sustainable farming and social consciousness, among other good things.  Madelyn Ward was born in 2006 on October 10th.  She is the granddaughter of Kaye and Richard Johnston, so it is predetermined that she will have a great birthday.  The next day Champion Steve Connor has a reason to celebrate and along about this time in years past, Pete Proctor is said to have had a birthday.  The 14th is shared by three grown-ups who do not know each other—nephew Glen Masters, in his 40’s now, Jillian Hall III, great niece and award winning filmmaker, and Leslie Krider, dairy farmer and Peanut-The Wonder Girl’s dad—lovely people all.  Joe Moskaly shares the 15th with Skyline prekindergarten student Keedien Smith.  Olivia Prock is in the sixth grade.  Her birthday is on the 16th.  The next day the whole school will celebrate Skyline’s PTO Fall Festival.  It will be held at the school from 6 to 9 p.m.  The event replaces the Halloween carnival.  Everyone is welcome to attend to support the excellent little rural school that is preparing responsible and involved citizens for the future.  These are the people who will be running things when most readers of The Champion News will be doddering, old and gray or gone.

        The Christian Agricultural Stewardship Conference will be held on Friday, October 3rd, 2014 at the Vanzant Community Building starting at 11a.m.  The conference is being co-hosted by coordinator Geffrey Goss and President Keith Montgomery.  The program this year will feature Carroll Montgomery speaking on the subject of soil balance, Jill Henderson on vegetable crops and seed saving, and Vernon Kinsinger on the subject of epigenetics.  Everyone is invited to bring samples of crops such as corn or other field crops (non GMO please) or samples of vegetable crops for a show and tell.  There will be a pot luck dinner in the evening followed by bluegrass and gospel music provided by the group Wires on Wood.  Past conferences have had an average of sixty or so people in attendance.  There will be free literature available on a variety of agricultural subjects as well books for sale.  The event is free to the public.

        To augment his income The General has taken a position as a ‘stringer’ for The Champion News.  His first offering:  “What a great night we had at the Vanzant Community Center Thursday night pot luck and jam.  Great music and food.  That fabulous banjo player and his beautiful wife that lives on highway 14 east of Ava showed up for the first time in about 19 months.  Wayne and Joann Anderson were greeted with a standing ovation when they came through the door (Possibly because they arrived a little late and everyone was standing in line to serve themselves at the buffet table).  Anyhow, it was great to have them back.”  An example of Wayne’s wonderful picking can be heard by going to “Champion Events– School Reunions” at www.championnews.us.  There is a short mp3 there of Wayne and Lonnie Krider singing, “We Live in Two Different Worlds.”  Their harmonies are unforgettable and plans are to get more of their recordings up soon.  Meanwhile, it is great to have The General on the TCN team and readers look forward to more from him.  He was over at ‘Vanzant Under The Stars’ Saturday night and reports are that he was well deported (good behavior as opposed to good-bye) for this charming new weekly community gathering.  Thanks, Ms. Stillwell, for getting it together.  River has had family visiting from afar.  That is always a special time.

        The 13th Annual Pioneer Descendants Gathering is happening on October 4th and 5th.  Hours are 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday and 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday.  Betty and Dale Thomas have made this an excellent happening–getting better year after year.  It is a free public event with everyone invited to see exhibits and demonstrations of the 1860 to 1960 era.  Musicians from all around the area will be performing, so bring your lawn chairs and prepare to be entertained under the big pavilion.  Apple butter and molasses cooking will keep the air full of good aromas.  Hungry visitors will have plenty to enjoy while the music plays. Wagon rides down by Bryant Creek will be going on all day and chances are friends you have not seen in a while will be there too.

        Linda’s October Almanac from over at The Plant Place in Norwood indicates that there is plenty to get done in the garden this time of the year in addition to bringing in the sheaves.  According to the almanac, the Hunter’s Moon will be full on the 8th of the month and that is also the day of the full lunar eclipse.  It will occur early in the morning with the total eclipse beginning at 5:27.  The eclipse will be at its maximum at about 5:55 and will end at 6:22.  It looks like it will be clear and if there is not a hill between you and it, and if you are willing to get up before daylight, and if you are in the mood for celestial excitement, this will be an excellent opportunity to be reminded that the world is round.  Expect conversations concerning that concept to be rife out on the wide veranda at the Historic Emporium.  The power of willful ignorance cannot be overstated, so come join in the discourse in Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!


September 22, 2014

September 22, 2014

CHAMPION—September 22, 2014

        Last week’s rain was heavy at times and much appreciated over the entire area.  Champions were concerned that the West Plains Wagon Club might have difficulties keeping to their schedule, but they rolled into town Thursday no worse for the wear.  Only two outriders accompanied the seven wagons and they reported having been drenched on at least one occasion.  They were all in good spirits and happy to be dining again under the enormous walnut trees in the little church yard.  The usual crowd of gawkers and musicians were not as intrepid as the travelers, but those who did come out were well rewarded.  Bob and Linda Cottengim and Joann Carter, all of Norwood, came out to rendezvous with Jim and Judy Cantrell of Mansfield.  Linda is Judy’s aunt and Joann is Linda’s sister-in-law and they are all well acquainted.  Bob Cottengim is 85 years old now.  He recalls having come down to this part of the country once when he was a kid.  Someone his family knew had a car.  He and Linda used to run into Ed Henson at the feed store in Mt. Grove fairly often.  They kept saying that they would make it down to Champion ‘one of these days,’ and when they read about the event in the paper they figured the day had finally come.  Bob says they will not be strangers in the future.  Linda used to write the Mt. Zion column for the paper and she is a regular reader of The Champion News.  Others out to see the train were Mark and Gretchen from East Dogwood and a number of Kriders, Clines and Johnston.  Outrider, Candice Summer, was very sweet to the young ones and sat them up on her pretty paint horse for pictures and for the fun of it.  The fun continues as several of the wagons plan to pass back this way on their return to Viola, Arkansas.  They will camp here overnight and be genuine Champions!

        Last Monday Champions out on a tear ran into Pat and Wes Smith in a Mexican Restaurant in town.  It was Pat’s birthday (September 15th) and they were celebrating, though she said something to the effect that getting older is nothing to brag about.  She was, however, willing to brag about her grandson, Weston.  She and Wes had been down to Mt. Home to see him and help him celebrate his birthday.  On their way home they stopped in Seymour to enjoy the Apple Festival.  It sounds like she came home with a couple of birthday presents one of which is a gourd that is painted and cut in such a way that when a person does something with it, it sounds like thunder.  She was quite pleased with it and a better description of it will be forthcoming once it is on public display.  Wednesday will be Grandfather Chapin’s birthday.  He says that between now and Grandma Chapin’s birthday on October 12th, this part of the country will experience the most beautiful weather of the year.  Other birthdays falling into this glorious period are those of Nicole Johnson, Skyline’s preschool teacher’s aide, on the 27th.   Seventh grader, Newt Souder, has a birthday on September 30th.  First grade student Lydia Harden shares her birthday on the first with a prominent Champion, who once again is reminded, “When you act like you are having a good time, pretty soon you will forget you are acting and will really be having a good time.”  Malachi Johnson is a second grader and he will be having a good time on October 4th.  The Upshaw twins have been celebrating that day for quite a few years.  One is older than the other and does not let her sister forget.  They are both older than one of their friends by a couple of weeks.  During those weeks the younger person makes it a point to say, “Yes, Mam” to her friends and opens the door for them—“Age before beauty,” etc.

        Posted on the internet recently: “UPDATE:  From the Vanzant Weather Lab and Alien Observatory, the dry weather spell for Vanzant and the surrounding area has been extended through 11:15 a.m. 17 Sept 2014.  Everyone watch out for a downpour of spizzel.”  The local meteorologist and alien observer might have enjoyed the “People’s Climate March” on Sunday the 21st.  While many folks in this part of the world do not believe it is happening, there is significant evidence that there is a lot of melting going on way up North and way down South.  Almost four hundred thousand people marched in New York City to bring attention to the issue.  Every large city all across the world had enormous demonstrations to shed light on the subject.  There were even some in Springfield and the OACC folks (Ozark Area Community Congress) had their gathering at the Hammond Mill Camp over the week end.  Climate change does not seem to get much publicity in the mainstream media, but there have not been this many people out in the streets trying to raise consciousness of an issue since the 2003 demonstrations against the Shock and Awe bombing of Baghdad.  The bombing made it to the news but the worldwide resistance to it did not.  Back to climate change, if indeed the planet has passed the tipping point and no amount of human effort can mitigate the damage, it would seem the thing to do, as was suggested by William Burroughs, is to align oneself with the inevitable.  Several years ago some folks from the east coast of Virginia bought property in Brushy Knob because they figure that before long the Ozarks will be the new east coast.  Champions will stay alert and make room for new neighbors.

        One of those nice Tennessee boys came over from Cripple Creek to visit with his Grandmother over the week end.  He had to get back to Murfreesborough for school Monday morning, so the visit was short but sweet.  He helped out in the milk barn and showed off his continually growing banjo skill.  He had his bow with him, but the white tails were elusive.  The season is open back home now, so he will have more opportunities to put meat on the table.  Some Champion gardens are still pouring forth good food for the table and the larder.  If the frost will hold off for a while, there will be a few more tomatoes.

        There are green tomatoes on the vine in little kitchen gardens in fair Edinburgh and a Champion lad there thinks he will introduce fried green tomatoes to his Scots friends.  Some of them (45%) could use some cheering up as the Referendum for Independence did not work in their favor.  It was said that the majority of the ‘no’ vote was cast by elderly people, and there are reports of significant shenanigans as Russian observers were present at a number of polling places and reported irregularities.  They must be pretty irregular to impress Russians.  The Scots have had a nice reconciliation gathering that suggests there will be some positive changes.  Positive change is the best kind.  They say, “Don’t change the old for the new.”  Several, including Ray Charles, Sophie Tucker and Benny Goodman, found out that this will never do.  They figure, “when you grow old, you don’t last long.  You’re here today and then tomorrow you’re gone.”  Gone where?  To Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!


September 15, 2014

September 15, 2014

CHAMPION—September 15, 2014

        It happens every year that the heat breaks and the mornings are suddenly quite cool.  It does not matter if a person is ready for it or not, seasons change.  Champion!

        Louise Hutchison’s birthday is September 21st.  That is an auspicious day, being the traditional date of the Autumnal Equinox.  Some calendars say autumn begins on the 22nd and some say the 23rd.  It is a nice thing that birthdays do not move around the calendar that way.  Her many friends will be wishing Louise the best on her special day.  She shares it with Zoey Louise in Texas and with Penelope Zappler as well.  Zoey will be eleven.  Penelope will be nine and Louise will be smiling at the pile of cards and well wishes coming her way.  Atticus Umba Fowler is the newly arrived grandson of Sandy Ray (“Searching for Booger County”) and Janet Chapin.  He lives up in St. Louis.  He will eventually find out that his Grandpa’s birthday is the 24th of September and Granny’s is the 12th of October.  Sandy says that the best weather of the year here about is always between their birthdays.  Certainly it is a busy time of the year.  Tristian Jeffery is a kindergarten student at Skyline.  His birthday is September 26th.  Dustin Johnson is in the 5th grade and celebrates on the 26th.  The school year is well underway and there are good times ahead for the little country school student body and staff.  Skyline Champions all!

        Frances Sutherland celebrated her 82nd trip around the sun back on the 14th of September.  Her Champion friends wish her a happy belated birthday and hope to get to see her on Thursday the 18th when the West Plains Wagon Club comes rolling into the Square in Champion around noon time.  Mr. Clifton Luna has been heading up this annual trek from West Plains to Mansfield for many years.  He is getting close to 90 now and there is speculation that this may be his last year for this train.  Observers will note that just getting from here to there on a wagon hitched to horses or mules is no small task.  It is a wonderful learning experience to see how it used to be done.  Champion always turns out a good welcoming committee and there may be music up on the Veranda or out under an oak tree while the animals rest and the travelers take in all the sights on the wide wooly banks of Old Fox Creek.   The General said that he would gauge the level of excitement that his squeeze box might create in the draft animals before he let fly too many notes.  Past years have seen as many as fifteen rigs of various kinds and dozens of outriders who travel ahead and behind the train for security.  Some outriders travel the whole distance and others join up to ride for a day or two or for just a few hours.  Ronnie Thompson will miss getting to ride along this year.  His friends and family are looking forward to having him back in the saddle again soon.  Everyone is welcome to come enjoy the spectacle.  If you cannot make it this time, go to www.championnews.us and look at some pictures from past years.  The weather ahead looks like it will be ideal for photographs.  Jo and Royce Henson will be there to greet the train, as will Kaye and Richard Johnston, maybe some Sutherlands, Brixeys, Upshaws, and Cooleys, and Proctors.  Pictures will be taken.  Champion is a very picturesque place, situated as it is at the bottom of several hills where country roads meet at the end of the pavement.  A recent visitor asked why these banks of Fox Creek are always called ‘wooly.’  The debris still stuck high in the trees from the flood of August 2013, is part of it and other parts may be the mystery and history of what is up the creek and down it.

        By the time the wagon train pulls out of Champion on Thursday, the lovely people of Scotland will have cast their ballots and will probably know if they will be an independent nation or if they will still be tethered to the United Kingdom.  Had our precious Colonies been able to simply cast a vote for independence it might have saved a lot of bloodshed but might not have yielded ‘freedom.’  It is a spectacular moment in history today for Scotland as it was for us in 1776.  This election is being watched closely around the world by other captive countries.  We feel secure out here in our tranquil rural homes where we seem untouched by the troubles of the tumultuous world outside.  The right to vote has been hard won and Champions do not take it for granted.

        The recount in Douglas County of the vote in the August 5th primary election showed that Amendment 1 was passed by 287 votes–state wide by 2,375 votes.  It will be interesting over time to see if this amendment really does protect the right to farm for farmers or if it will just allow the nice people of China to move their “Smithfield Foods” pork production to the Bryant Creek watershed or any of the other beloved waterways of the beautiful Ozarks.  When the U.S. government approved Shuanghui International Holding’s purchase of Smithfield Food, Inc. in September of last year, the deal was valued at approximately $7.1 billion.  That is a lot of bacon.  It was the biggest takeover of a U.S. company by the Chinese to date.  Time will tell and Champions will all hope it tells a good story.

        The Pioneer Descendants Gathering is gathering steam for another fine show.  It will occur on October 4th and 5th.  Admission is free and everyone is invited to see the exhibits and demonstrations of the 1860 to 1960 era.  Dale and Betty Thomas have been hosting this gathering for 13 years now and it is just getting better.  The event is promoted by the many descendants of Tom Brown and John Burden.  There will be lots of live music in addition to good food and many opportunities to appreciate the skills and ingenuity of our predecessors.

        Proceed to the wide, wild, wooly banks of Old Fox Creek and enjoy the view from the Veranda looking out across the square.  If a song comes into your head and you have a good voice, let it out.  “A charm from the skies seems to hallow us there, which seek thro’ the world, is ne’er met elsewhere.  Home! Home! Sweet, sweet home!” in Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!


September 8, 2014

September 8, 2014

CHAMPION—September 8, 2014

        This week looks perfect and those not busy enjoying it will be missing something delightful.  Champions do not get ahead of themselves other than to plan well and firewood is being contracted this week.  The nip in the air is suddenly portentous of the winter ahead which some are predicting will be a rough one, as if last winter was not.  Neat stacks of firewood and lots of full canning jars are Champion preparedness.

        The extended community turned out in a big way for the benefit for Ronnie Thompson at the Skyline School on Saturday.  The event was well planned and well executed and the food was delicious.  To be a part of so many friends and neighbors from all across the area coming together in a lovely loving common cause is a gift to everyone who participated.  Helping –Champion!

        “Deep in the Ozark Mountains.  Down  by a rushing steam.  Is the place I love to wander and have a sweet day’s dream.”  Ethel McCallie’s father’s poem is timeless for lucky locals.  A recent letter from her to The Champion News revealed that the Hayden Family Reunion was well attended.  She estimated close to 78 or 80.  There were sad absentees as there are in every nostalgic reunion.  Ethel is a wonderful storyteller.   Bonnie Brixey Mullens over in Wichita, writes that Ethel’s sister was her aunt, married to Virgil Proctor.  The family trees in this part of the world look like the Briar Patch.  Bonnie is hoping to make it down to Denlow for the Proctor Family Reunion in May.  Meanwhile TCN (The Champion News) will encourage a correspondence between Ethel and Bonnie.  Look for the transcript of Ms. McCallie’s latest letter in the Champion Neighbors Category over on the right hand side of the page at www.championnews.us.  It starts out, “9-3-14 Well, Howdy Doody and a pleasant good marnin to you.”

        Skyline School first grade student Lexus Ledbetter has his birthday on September 10th.  The 13th is set aside for Tanna Jo Krider Wiseman, mother of Foster and Kalyssa, Skyline alumnus.  Breann Davis is a seventh grader at Skyline who celebrates her birthday on the 14th together with nephew Konrad Zappler, father of Sophia and Penelope.  Elmer Banks will party on the 15th and everyone who sees him is welcome to ask him just how old he is anyway?  He might have some yarn to spin about it and a wise person will take the time to listen.  Most generally Elmer has some good information to share.  The General is a little less predictable.  They are both predicted to be out on the spacious veranda over on the North side of the Square on Thursday the 18th when the West Plains Wagon Club comes rolling into town.   Coy Stone will probably be representing the Gee Haw Club out of Viola Arkansas.  He is the guy who whittled that ball and chain on display in the Chat Room in the Emporium.  Champions are hoping Diane and Jerry Wilbanks will be on the train.  Their new friends here miss them.  The wagon folks are awfully nice about letting people look at their rigs and their animals.  It is a real education for many who have just heard about the old days when the only way to get around was by horse or wagon or walking.  People might have been healthier for the exercise and they probably made every trip off the place count.  “Put on your old gray bonnet, with the blue ribbons on it, while I hitch Old Dobbin to the shay.”  Perhaps there will be an example of a ‘shay’ on this train.  Bud Hutchison’s Fall Champion trail ride sometimes has a buggy or two along for the ride.  A shay sounds kind of fast and sassy, like the hot rod of the day.  Champions will be on the lookout and invite the neighborhood to come out and enjoy the spectacle around noon time Thursday the 18th in Historic Downtown Champion.

        Thursday, September 18, 2014, the people of Scotland will vote on a referendum that restores their sovereignty and removes them from the United Kingdom.  Each side has vocal supporters and detractors.  The “Yes” for Independence people ask the “Better Together”(“No”)people, “Why is it not better already?”  People from all over the world weigh in on the issue because Scots are everywhere from Nova Scotia (New Scotland) to Perth, Australia, and they hold on to their culture.  1703 does not seem that long ago in Scots history.  Caledonia is the Latin name given to the area by the Romans.  The old song goes, “I’ve been telling old stories, singing songs that make me think about where I’ve come from.  Let me tell you that I love you, that I think about you all the time.  Caledonia, you’re calling me, now I’m going home.  But if I should become a stranger, know that it would make me more than sad.  Caledonia’s been everything I’ve ever had.”  The world is watching and hoping for the best for the fine people of Scotland.  The recount of the votes on Amendment One in Missouri’s primary election is still underway.  Results are available from some counties, but so far nothing significant has developed.  Less than one quarter of one percent margin would indicate that there are strong opinions on both sides.  Democracy rules even when it rules against the best interest of the people.  Alas!

        Linda’s Almanac from over at The Plant Place in Norwood says that the 10th and 11th will be good days for harvesting crops.  Crops harvested on those days are thought to keep well.  The 12th and 13th will be favorable days for planting root crops and fine for vine crops.   They will also be good days for transplanting.  This might be a good time to plant garlic for next year.  Some already have a good size patch of tiny turnips sprouting in anticipation of a fall visit from their favorite friends Lem and Ned.  These fictional boys are big lanky fellows who come ambling up the driveway looking for a chore to do for a housewife.  They bring their own dinner bucket and will do any kind of onerous chore she cannot get the old man to do—clean the chicken house, turn the compost, haul brush, cut sprouts, etc.  They just want a few turnips for their effort since they are independent gents, not needing much but the chance to help out where they are needed.  Daydreaming down on the wild wooly banks of Old Fox Creek or a little ways up The Clever is easy to do in Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!


September 1, 2014

September 1, 2014

CHAMPION—September 1, 2014

        It has been a busy week in Champion with another busy one ahead.  Recent visitors have remarked that there seems to be a lot going on in a place so geographically small.  That is because the community extends well beyond its borders.  It turns out the world is full of Champions.  It was a joy to have so many returning for the Champion School Reunion on Saturday.  They came from Kansas, Arkansas, Tennessee and Texas and one was just back from Oregon.  They shared good food and great conversations as old friendships were rekindled and renewed.  Eight stalwart individuals made the “The Walk of Ages” which was routed from Denlow to Champion this year and was led again by Royce Henson.  Mini Jo was at his side as well as their son Vaughn, and daughter, Valley and her husband Tom Mills.  The route had been chosen by Kenneth Henson (Hoovie) who scouted it out back during the spring and allowed as how there were hardly any hills at all.  He paid for the prevarication by huffing and puffing and dragging up the rear of the party.  He was lucky that his wife, Dawn Henson, was willing to drive the support vehicle with the cool water.  Brothers Pete and Frankie Proctor made that walk in honor of their Mother, Champion Ruby Hicks Proctor, who passed away since the last reunion.  When the walkers arrived they found a nice crowd enjoying the day:  Elva Ragland and her daughter Sheila Brown, Fae Krider, Wes Lambert, Elsie Curtis, Debbie Massey, Ethel Luellen Anderson from Kansas and her three daughters, Louise Rinebold, Ruth Daharsh, and Betty Bishop, Wilma Hicks Hamby, Glenna Lambert Henson, Vivian Krider Floyd, Irene Keller Dooms, Beverly Dooms Keller, Betty Henson, J.R. and Janet Johnston, Wayne and Frances Sutherland and Laine Sutherland, Robert and Sharon Upshaw, Darrel Hutchison, Harold and Eva Phillips, Jerry and Shawna Smith.  Shawna is a collector of arrowheads and found a beautiful and perfect little white specimen out on the banks of Old Fox Creek.  There were just over forty in attendance including prominent citizens and with only a hint of rain, some light sprinkles at lunch time, it was a perfect day for gathering on the old school grounds again to reminisce and to catch up with old friends.  This was the 30th year for the reunion.  Last year Russell Upshaw sat out under the trees visiting with family and friends until late in the day.  He and a number of other dear ones were sorely missed this time.

        Russell Upshaw was the inspiration behind the Vanzant Bluegrass Jam which is a pot luck affair happening every Thursday night at the Vanzant Community Building—supper at six.  Readers of TCN ( The Champion News) on line can simply ‘click’ on this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm7UqsNZhaw&feature=share and see 38 minutes of a session in April, 2012.  “This particular Thursday night there were people in the audience from New Jersey, Idaho, and Iowa.  Max Cooley, playing dobro and singing, lives in Nebraska,” reported an attendee.  Looking around the room it was like a Who’s Who of Bluegrass–a spectacular evening.  David Richardson of Whetstone is probably responsible for the video.  He records a lot of the good stuff that goes on in the area and it will be good to have another of his pieces up on the www.championnews.us website.  More of the good stuff going on has to do with the community benefit for its Champion Ronnie Thompson.  The advertisements in the papers say that it will start with a chili supper at 5 on Saturday at the Skyline School.  There will be an auction and a volleyball tournament.  Ashley Pierson (417-686-0164) is the contact person.  The ad says to bring a pie for the auction.  What the ad does not say is that the Thompson family has been a part of the real infrastructure of the community for generations—ideal neighbors and friends.  Champion!

        Wayne Anderson celebrated his birthday on Saturday.  He took a rambling ride with his family over to the Clever Creek Unity Cemetery.  It was established April 5th, 1928.  The trustees were Elijah Anderson, president, Isaiah P. Henson, secretary, James H. Schudy, treasurer, Harve G. Mears and Fleming Ghear.  From there the party made a swing up through Denlow, then over to Mt. Grove for dinner, and back down through Champion.  They missed the school reunion but enjoyed visiting and hearing all about it.  Laine Sutherland had been there and it was her birthday too.  Bernice Wiseman said, “Thank all of you so much for helping me grow old.  It is a pleasant journey with friends like you all.  Appreciate everyone so much.”  That was her response to the many birthday wishes she had received.  Tennessee grandson Dillon Watts was in Champion on Sunday.  He has just had his 21st birthday.  His cousin, Drayson Cline, is a one year old boy now and on the run.  It will take more than The Champion News to keep up with him.  Larry Wrinkles birthday is on September 1st.  Skyline sixth grade student, Ethan Poppas, has his birthday on the 4th.  Eighth graders Derek Camp and Donavon Sarginson both celebrate on the fifth.  Renaissance woman, Jeannette C. Tharp, will start merry making Friday for her Monday birthday.  Her friends will help!

        Ms. Ethel McCallie had her 97th birthday on August 11th.  She was in town (Ava) for the Hayden Family Reunion over the week end.  Her Champion friends missed getting to see her this time.  They will make up for it with some nice telephone conversations soon just to see how it all went.  She lives over in Bartlesville, Oklahoma but has deep connections to the area.  Ethel is a good neighbor.

        Because the Constitution Amendment #1 was approved on the August 5th ballot by less than one quarter of one percent of the vote, Mr. Wes Shoemeyer, President of Missouri’s Food for America, requested that the vote be recounted.  The recount of the Douglas County votes will happen at nine o’clock on Friday, September 5th in the court room of the Courthouse in Ava.  The county by county by county recount results will be published on the internet at www.sos.mo.gov/elections/Amendment1  The Secretary of State’s office takes care of that.  Mr. Shoemeyer lives over in Clarence, Missouri just a little to the west of Hannibal.  Folks on either side of the issue are aggravated that so many people did not vote and that many who did voted against their own best interest because of family tradition or lack of factual information.  Ah!  Democracy!

        Soon it will be “Oh! Pioneer” as the Descendants Gathering comes together for the 13th time on October 4th and 5th.   Before then, “Wagons, ho!” Fans of the West Plains Wagon Club will be pleased to know the wagon train will be back in Champion on Thursday the 18th of September.  They will leave from the West Plains MFA Sale Barn at 10:00 Monday morning and pass through Champion for the noon time rest on Thursday.  The General asked if there would be music again at the Champion Welcoming.  That is a good question with a couple of weeks to answer it.  He said that he would measure the response of the draft animals to the sound before he let too much air out of his accordion.  (Note:  He missed the Walk of Ages, having taken a wrong turn and winding up somewhere north of Spotted Hog before he came around.)  Bring those guitars, fiddles, banjos, mandolins, basses and good voices down to the Wild Wooly Banks of Old Fox Creek any day of the week, but that particular Thursday will be a good one to show up in Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!


August 25, 2014

August 25, 2014

CHAMPION—August 25, 2014

        Champions have been bringing the sheaves into the air conditioning this week, preserving the harvest in their comfortable kitchens during the heat of the day.  One remarks to another, “We have too much food.”  Not nearly everyone in the world can say that and so Champions do not complain about the work and freely share their bounty.

        President Grover Cleveland declared Labor Day a holiday in 1887.  The celebration of the American labor movement is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of workers.  The holiday was meant as a tribute to their contributions to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of the country.  Canada shares Labor Day celebrations with its southern neighbor while 80 or more countries world-wide celebrate May 1st as International Worker’s Day.  An interesting posting on the internet says that if we want to live in a country that produces things, we need to buy things that are made here.  It stands to reason.  Whatever political motivations President Cleveland had for choosing September for the observance, and history says there were several, current observers will find bargains and reasons to celebrate….friends, family, music, corn on the cob, peach cobbler, watermelon.

        Celebrating starts on Saturday for those attending the Champion School Reunion.  The Walk of Ages is taking a new route this year.  Royce Henson and party will be leaving the Denlow Cemetery at ten in the morning with the plan of walking to Champion.  They will have to step right along if they plan to get there for lunch.  The General will be accompanying the group and will most likely mark cadence.   “Let’s go on and have some fun…walking on down to Champ-i-un…one, two…”  When they get there they will find a big crowd already in the midst of the fun.  Temperatures are forecast to be more mild, but even mid 80’s will be hard on the General who probably does not spend an hour a day on the elliptical machine and then an hour swimming as Royce does.  There will most likely be some support vehicles and cooling stations along the way as well as some new Burma Shave signs.  A favorite one of those from 1939:  “A peach looks good…With lots of fuzz…But man’s no peach…and never wuz… Burma Shave.”

        Anyone driving late at night in the area needs to be on the lookout for deer.  Fortnight Bridge players on their way back to the rendezvous point Saturday night slowed down to see an enormous deer standing by the road, not very interested in the passersby.  The Norwood player said that she sees deer every bridge night on her way home.  Conversations about deer had the Champion player (winner of the nickels) reporting seeing deer in the late afternoons out at the edge of the woods.  Often they become visible by the movement of their tails as the constant flicking of white catches the eye.  Those tails are busy flicking flies, gnats, ticks, fleas and any number of other pests that might plague a wild mammal.  It was speculated that such a handy thing as a tail would eliminate the need for bug spray and would, for a person working out in the garden, leave hands free for weeding, pruning and picking.  The Vera Cruz player (winner of the quarters) said that if people had tails they would never be able to hide their feelings.  A recent Nation Geographic article reveals that there is an ongoing study concerning the emotional context of the dog’s tail wag.  So far it has been determined that wagging to the right is the excitement of recognizing the dog’s master or another friendly dog.  Wags to the left also indicate excitement, but contingent with some anxiety.  Imagine the tails on the tattle tales and the tellers of tall tales down at the Historic Emporium.  No secret would be safe.

        Birthdays are not secrets.  People benefit by a little annual attention.  Drayson Cline had his first one on the 23rd.  He is walking with purpose, running and busy.  His cousin, Dakota Watts, is a grown up now and has his birthday on the 24th, as does a favorite nephew in Pennsylvania, Daniel Cohen.  Barbara Krider has her birthday on the 25th.  Champion friends hope Harley feels like singing that song to his sweet wife.  Across town, Donald might sing to Rita Krider on the 26th.   Seneca Parsons will have a beautiful birthday on the 27th with is dear ones around their kitchen table.  The 29th is a special day for third grader Rowdy Woods, who will be nine years old.  He shares the day with local Champion Bill Smith and with Mini Jo Henson who will be at the Champion School Reunion to meet Royce when he comes strolling down the hill.  August 30th is the day of the reunion and it will be Laine Sutherland’s birthday too.  Maybe she will bring some of her lovely musician friends with her for the enjoyment of all.  It is rumored and hoped that The General’s guitar might be waiting for him when he comes stepping into the square.  Sunday will be the best day of the year for Kalyssa Wiseman and Jenna Brixey.  One is older than the other by an hour or two.  They will both be seven.

        These last hot days have turned the roads powdery dry so dust coats the wilted weeds and bedraggled grapevines drooping out of the withering trees that over spread country lanes.  Summer is winding down and leaving the countryside weary.  Just a little rain will restore enthusiasm.  Imagine that first breath of cool air that precedes a gentle shower.  Imagine that little feeling of relief and hope being inhaled everywhere so that societal and political tensions might be soothed a little.  Bring all that kind of courage and optimism with you down to the wild wooly banks of Old Fox Creek.  Deward Henson went down to “the village” every day but one for fifty years.  That was the day National Geographic showed up to feature the place in the book America’s Hidden Corners.  The picture in the book shows a good sized pile of firewood stacked up just where the good sized pile of firewood is stacked now.  Seasons change and so it is in Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!


August 18, 2014

August 18, 2014

CHAMPION—August 18, 2014

        The first Monday after Labor Day was the first day of school for many back in the ‘old’ days.  These days school is already in full swing with all the contingent excitement and anticipation for a good year ahead.  A preschool teacher was quoted as having said, “I will not believe all the things your child tells me about you if you will not believe all the things he tells you about me.”  This happened a number of years ago and is not to say that the children are, or were, necessarily prevaricators, but rather that they have a distinctly different point of view about most things based on their lack of experience.  That is what school provides—information and experience.  Skyline School’s Communications Arts teacher, Carolyn Willhite, will celebrate her birthday on August 23rd.  Third grader Rowdy Woods will have his special day on August 29th.  Jenna Brixey will be in the first grade.  She and Kalyssa Wiseman share a birthday; they will both be seven years old.  Champions!

        The Champion School Reunion happens on the Saturday before Labor Day.  New old memories will come to the surface to be shared among the many.  Last year the event took place on the hottest day of the year.  (TCN—September 2, 2013) “That did not seem to make much of a difference to the fifty or so stalwart Champions, families and friends who enjoyed the afternoon under the ancient walnut trees in the old school yard.  Ruby Proctor pointed to the tree that was home base and told about the batter who let go of the bat after a hit.  It hurled right into her face and she said she still had the scar, but her sweet smile hides it well.  Some of the others who passed the day with Ruby were Elsie Curtis, Debbie Massey, Connie Brown, Robert Brown, Paul Brown, Lee Brown, Richard and Kaye Johnston, Karen Krider, Ray Hicks, Pete Proctor, Harold and Eva Phillips, Elva Ragland, Sheila Brown, Betty Henson, Fern Bishop, Kenneth and Barbara Anderson, Wayne and JoAnn Anderson, Russell and Dean Upshaw, Frank and Freda Proctor, Arlene Cooley, Tom Cooley, Laine Sutherland, Frances Sutherland, Billy Jo Lambert and his son, Don Krewson, Anita Krewson, Wayne Sutherland, Modeen Dooms, Mrs. LuAllen and two daughters, her son and his wife, Benton Hutchinson, Jackie Coonts, Dale and Betty Thomas, Leslee Krider, Bill Smith, Wilma Hutchison Pointer and her husband, Royce and Joe Henson and Vaughn Henson.  Royce and Vaughn completed the Walk of Ages again from Cold Springs to Champion.”  That was last year.  This year Champions will miss some of those dear ones.  To the many in the area who have Champion connections and history, this is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect and recollect.  The pot luck luncheon on the grounds is always a feast.  Everyone is welcome.  You never know who you will see on the Bright Side!

        It seems that the same people in any given community do all the hard work that makes it a real community.  On a warm Saturday afternoon a week after the Skyline Picnic, a certain prominent citizen and prominent girlfriend were observed up at the fire house continuing to work.  They were doing the final tidying up after the picnic and beginning the process for another sterling event next year.  Neighbors at KZ88 FM Real Community Radio in Cabool will be broadcasting four hours of the picnic music from Saturday night together with a short interview with the Skyline Fire Chief.  It will be broadcast from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. Saturday night, August 23rd, and then again on Sunday, the 24th,  from noon to four o’clock.  It will be like being there again!  Thanks KZ88!

        “We will kill a chicken and churn!”  That is the sentiment that goes with the open invitation to good neighbors and old friends.  A few miles across the county is still not a long trip, but as days fill up more quickly as the years have gone by, old friends who see each other rarely make it a celebration and special occasion when they can get together.  With technology and transportation improvements, closeness is less about geography now than it has ever been.  The neighborhood is big and good neighbors are a great gift.  They share the garden produce–awash with squash and unnumbered cucumbers.  They share the hard work, the troubles and triumphs.  For those who do not get The Champion News (TCN) through the Douglas County Herald, last week the paper ran an ad for a benefit to be held for Ronnie Thompson and it was the first that many had heard of his illness.  Ashley Pierson (417-686-0164) is the contact person for that event.  It is news to some that Harley Krider is also having some health issues.  All those suffering ill health and loss benefit from the ministrations of their good neighbors, friends and family.  Both these Champions are getting good health care and have a good prognosis for which their vigilant good neighbors, friends and family are grateful.  Compassion is a Champion notion.

        Not everyone has a good neighbor.  It is sad but true.  Complicated human relationships and seemingly unrelated events sometimes throw incompatible people right next to each other for better or worse for the duration.  How issues are resolved and circumstances tolerated can make the very exciting subtext of a crime novel or of a treatise on tolerance and forbearance.  “The sun comes up and the sun goes down and the hands on the clock go round and round.  Life gets tee-juss, don’t it?”  That is part of an old song that might fit the dreary life of someone who declines to be a good neighbor.  It takes two. 

        Neighbors over in Vanzant are continually kicking up their heels.  Those Thursday night bluegrass jams are still in full swing and let him who has a foot to pat come on over for a pot luck dinner about six and then enjoy an evening of great music.  “Saturday Night Under the Stars” over at the Vanzant Country Store is getting some good press on the internet and Champions on their way to Mt. Grove have seen some expansive attention going into what used to be the Junction.  By contrast Champion seems all the more laid back and easy going.  Plenty happens, however, and a lot of it out on the spacious veranda at the Recreation of the Historic Emporium overlooking the bucolic Square wrapped and boundried by the wild, wooly banks of Old Fox Creek.  The veranda is situated to catch the lovely summer breezes offered by nature and the verbose windiness of farmers, cowboys and charming itinerant vagrants and loiterers.  Check out TCN (The Champion News) at www.championnews.us to get a clear view of Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!


August 11, 2014

August 11, 2014

CHAMPION—August 11, 2014

        A cool week ahead with the potential for a little rain has Champions comfortable and optimistic, but not smug.  It is that kind of place where gratitude plays an active part in daily life.  The anniversary of the Fox Creek Flood of 2013 was observed quietly.  Some debris is still lodged in trees “higher than the Cowboy could reach if he were sitting on his high horse.”  If memory does not serve, a review of the archives at www.championnews.us reveals that the previous August was a dry, hot one and in 2011, every drop was being measured and appreciated.  Country folks, gardeners and farmers are particularly attentive to the weather as they go about their work in harmony with the atmosphere.  Champions all!

        The 28th annual Skyline VFD Picnic lived up to its reputation as one of the sweetest events around.  Friday started out hot but as the sun went down the air became most comfortable and was filled with music and laughter and the sounds of happy reunions as old friends embraced and visited.  At five o’clock Saturday the faintest little drizzle toyed with the hosts and would have been threatening had they not all studied the radar intensely.  Some firemen used their radios to listen to The National Weather Bureau with its ominous impersonal voice crackling through the static saying, “thunder storms possible.”  People began arriving anyway and, as if by virtue and force of confidence, the clouds dispersed leaving just enough humidity around to remind revelers that they were still deep in the throes of summer.  Several hundred people from around the area and from distant parts settled in the natural amphitheater to enjoy the evening’s entertainment.  Bluegrass and gospel music is really one of the great calling cards for this extraordinary gathering.  The many local and area performers are most impressive not just in their talent but in their generous willingness to show it off.  Ray Bradley continues to amaze with his rendition of The Star Spangled Banner.  He hits those high notes solidly and makes us all feel good about the whole thing.  Others of the hundreds milled about enjoying the food and games.  The silent auction was brilliant as friends outbid each other for those Jewel Tea bowls, each hoping to give them to another of their mutual friends.  Tim Scrivner’s excellent bird feeder was snapped up by another fine wood worker who will probably steal the idea.  The author of the cedar lined red oak blanket chest can be satisfied that the raffle brought in a sizeable chunk of money to benefit the Skyline Volunteer Fire Department.  Can he top it next year?  Champion Jerry Garrison was the lucky ticket holder for that piece that is destined to become a family heirloom.  His friends and neighbors are almost as happy for him to have won it as they would have been for themselves.  Alas!  The hard work of all the volunteers before, during and after the picnic gives them a special spot in the community heart.  The merchants and organizations in the area that support the Skyline VFD can expect ‘mutual aid’ as the community pays back with patronage.  KZ88 Community Radio was on hand to record all the evening’s music as well as a short interview with the Skyline Fire Chief.  It will air sometime next week and those who were unable to attend will hear what they missed and those who were there will get to relive a lovely experience without the distractions, and, sadly, without the pie.  The Champion News Facebook page (‘like’ us please) will report the KZ88 broadcast schedule of the recording when it becomes available.

        It would be great to think that every part of the country is divided up into overlapping communities that rally for each other in their celebrations and in their need the way folks do around here.  It seems that people never feel so good as they do when they are helping someone else.  As people age they might wonder who is getting the comfort when the baby is being rocked.  All the festivals, fund raisers and benefits tie communities together in a great network of compassion.  Elmer was at the picnic both nights.  He is happy about the job the men from the county road crew did on V Highway.  Those fellows have a big job to do to keep the roads open and viable, tying all the communities together.  One of them could use a little help now.  Ashley Pierson (417-686-0164) can answer questions, take donations, and sign your volleyball team up for the tournament that will benefit a special one of those fellows as he deals with a serious health issue.  The volleyball tournament, chili supper and auction will kick off at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 6th at the Skyline School—for Champion Ronnie Thompson.

        It was quiet on Sunday afternoon as the little church yard emptied out.  From up near the church, weaving through the trees along the creek bed came a red shouldered hawk, flying silently and low, crossing the drive to light in the big walnut tree behind the garage.  It rested there a moment and then sailed across the road into Harley’s pasture and back along the creek.  It is a huge bird.  The American kestrel is quite a small hawk.  Actually, it is called ‘North America’s littlest falcon.’  Ethel Leach sees them over in her North Champion neighborhood in the headwaters of Old Fox Creek.  They hunt for insects and other small prey in open territory, perching on wires or poles or hovering facing into the wind, flapping and adjusting their long tails to stay in place.  They are native year round residents of this part of the world.  Big hawks, little hawks, turkeys, deer and bear are neighbors to other year round critters like bob cats, ground hogs, raccoons, possums and now armadillos.  What a remarkable place!

        Gardens are pouring forth and it is still warm enough to enjoy going to the creek.  This must be the perfect time of the year.  An old neighbor, Ruth Hicks, who used to write the Champion items, would recite a poem by Helen Hunt Jackson (1830-1885).  (Maybe kin to Myron.)  “The golden-rod is yellow, the corn is turning brown, the trees in apple orchards with fruit are bending down.”  The name of the poem is September, but already it comes to mind in the golden shower of walnut leaves and as the sneeze-causing wild aster, goldenrod, comes into full bloom.  Presently the sumac will change colors and it will be time for the old Champions to gather.  Deward Henson’s old home place is now being occupied joyfully by his granddaughter, Jenny Coradi John and her brush hogging husband.  They had a good time at the picnic.  Her cousins will soon be pouring out of Springfield and other places to come to the Champion School Reunion on the Saturday before Labor Day.  Time marches on.

        March on down to the village, as Deward called it, and bring some of those squash to share.  Bring some poetry with you or some stories or a good song.  “Every day (tenor), every day (soprano), every day (alto), every day (bass) God’s sun is shining brightest beams across the sky.  On this way (tenor, soprano, alto, bass) we shall not falter, it’s the brighter side of life!”  In Champion—Thanks for the motto, Deward.  Looking on the Bright Side!


August 4, 2014

August 4, 2014

CHAMPION—August 4, 2014

        A little rain would not hurt though Champions are hard put to complain about the weather.  Such cool nights and mornings are a gift.  Days in July and August when air conditioners are not required are blissful, lovely days that no one takes for granted.  When electricity arrived in the 1950’s, it brought some families a good oscillating fan and what a luxury that must have seemed on stifling summer days when women struggled for a breath of air off in the kitchen.  The kitchen is not so isolated as it used to be and even poor folks have window units these days.  Some remember 1953 as being the driest year on record.  (The state average precipitation was 25.35”.)  The hottest temperature ever recorded for Missouri was on July 14, 1954—118°F in Warsaw and Union.  Champions do not complain.

        Elmer Banks called to say how happy he is that the road crews have put some much needed attention to Highway V.   The pot holes are filled and the whole stretch of it is a pleasure to drive over thanks to the efforts of the local road men.  Some of them work for the State and some for the County.  It is hard work that they do and it truly serves the community well.  Elmer says, “Thanks, fellers,” to which ever bunch it was.  Some locals were up for checking it out on Saturday night, but first there was a groundhog and then an armadillo and then the sprinkler needed to be unstuck…and first one thing and then another kept them away from ‘Vanzant Under The Stars’ again.  They will make it yet.  Meanwhile, it is easier for Elmer to get out and his friends sure like to see him coming.

        Water!  When pioneers came to this part of the world and edged out the indigenous peoples, they settled near the water.  Descendants of those old settlers are still making their lives in the area as over the years new immigrants have arrived and taken places rich with wonderful springs and good wells.  By the time this is in ink the results will be in from Tuesday’s election.  The laws that protect our water from upstream hog farming and thoughtless neighbors may no longer apply.  Perhaps they will still apply—perhaps the laws will be clearer and stronger.  Optimism is a worthwhile attitude.  Congratulations to the winners of the races.  Do your best to live up to your promises—serve and protect.

        A couple of years ago a Champion lady donated some old bowls to the silent auction at Skyline VFD Picnic fund raiser.  They went on the block having been written up as “four old bowls.”  They were about five inches in diameter and only a couple of inches deep—kind of yellow colored with a design in autumn leaf colors.  Someone said, “Don’t you know what they are?”  “Nope.”  It turns out that they were “Jewel Tea.”  That is a big deal in these parts.  As it turned out several people knew all about it and the bidding was exciting.  The bowls brought in somewhere between $40.00 and $50.00!  Big surprise!  Now it turns out that the lady has found more of those bowls in her unpacking, just in time for the Skyline Picnic.  She is not the only one looking through personal treasures to see what they can share in support of the fire department.  Myron Jackson of KZ88 Radio is planning to be at the Picnic and hopes to record some of the music for broadcast on the local FM station.  He says the Skyline Picnic is “a huge deal” in the area and he is right!  Firefighters and volunteers are busy getting the grounds ready and the members of the fire district are figuring out what kind of pies they will be baking for the event and how they will decorate their cakes for the cake walk.  Generous local merchants are donating the many door prizes that make this one of the best events around as the Skyline VFD shows the community how much their backing means.  The fun starts at 6:00 in the evening both Friday and Saturday nights.  On Saturday that incredible cedar lined red oak blanket chest will be awarded to the winner of the lucky ticket.  One old Champion is buying tickets for her daughter-in-law.  Imagine what a gift like that could mean to any relationship!

        Bryon Guthrie will be in the 8th grade at Skyline this year.  His birthday was on August 3rd and born in the year 2000, he will never have any trouble calculating his age.  Not so for Roger Wiseman with a birthday of August 8, 1968, or Phyllis Winn, August 12, 1947.  They have to cipher.  Jaycee Hall and Cryslynn Bradshaw will both be in kindergarten in the fall.  Jaycee’s birthday is on the 10th and Cryslynn’s is the 12th.  They will be five years old.  Friends remember Mary Graham, whose birthday was August 15th.  She lived east of Champion a little way and had a great smile and laugh and a wonderful affection for her family, for music and dogs.  She always loved the Champion School Reunion and she will be missed there again this year.

        The Skyline Country Market was not what a person would call a raving success, but it was a good experience and some good information was gleaned.  About twenty families, individuals and organizations had booths set up under the trees in front of the school on Friday morning with a great variety of things to sell.  In spite of some fairly good publicity the turn out from the public and passers-by was minimal.  The vendors, however, did quite a bit of shopping with each other and the weather was so pleasant that it was not considered a loss.  The Skyline Community Teachers Association will put their heads together and revamp the event and the community will have another avenue open to support the great little school that is shaping the movers and shakers of the future.

        Linda’s Almanac is up on the bulletin board at Henson’s Downtown G & G over on the North Side of the Square in Downtown Champion as well as on the website at www.championnews.us.  August is the Green Corn Moon and it will be full on the 10th.  The 12th will be a good day to plant above the ground crops and the 13 will be good for root crops again.  Both days are good for transplanting and for applying organic fertilizer.  Irrigate if you have to.  “Oh, Dan, can’t you see that big green tree where the water’s running free and it’s waiting there for you and me? Water!  Cool, clear water…”  In Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!
