CHAMPION—July 14, 2008
“Just how far does Champion extend? What is its geographical description? Where are the Champion City limits?” These questions were asked by a Brushyknob neighbor the other night. Then another neighbor from over near Vera Cruz said, “Well, all the way to Iraq!” It is a matter for speculation and currently it is thought that Champion reaches as far as do the Champions. The name itself suggests no limitations. The community of Champion rests just a little to the right of the exact center of Douglas County, Missouri, and decidedly represents its Heart.
WELCOME TO CHAMPION. Look around. All the Champion Items from the Douglas County Herald and the Champion Community News from the Mountain Grove News Journal are posted by date in the Archives.
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with Champion postcards from Henson’s store

neat when I get homesick I know where to go
Comment :: July 17, 2008 @ 1 ~ 3:39 pm
was a pleasure to find myself back in the big metropolis of Champion and sit a spell on the front porch of Henson’s store , soaking in the atmosphere and observing the “comings and goings” on the square of Champion. Other than the pesky occasional vehicle, it would be easy to feel oneself transported back to an earlier time. It’s hard to let the stresses and woes of the world to lay heavy on your shoulders when in such a tranquil place. It was a treat to see Ethel beaming the rest of the day, after visiting with you. I truly think she is your biggest fan. She thinks so highly of you. You cannot imagine what joy your items bring into her life each week. She’s not my blood kin (as we say here in the Ozarks), but I couldn’t love her any more if she was my own Grandmother. She is a wealth of history. I question her constantly and “pick her brain”. There’s not too many with as big of a heart as Ethel. She is of a generation that we are rapidly losing.. And with this incredible generation, we are losing so much history and a link to a time when people had REAL character, strength, values, modesty and a work ethic like none other. Perhaps if nothing else comes of our economy crisis, I hope we can all get back to the basics and to what is truly important in life——-God and Country, Family and Friends.
Comment :: October 8, 2008 @ 2 ~ 9:36 pm
On july 07/11/09 myself my wife Clovis, sister Eunice {Brown} Walker and brothers Willie Jr. and Ivel were visiting old home places. Along the way we stoped at the old Champion store for refreshments. My brother Willie remembers the store and surrounding area and people more than I because he grew up in that part of “bugger county”. However the trip and places we reminised were a pleasure for all of us.
Comment :: July 25, 2009 @ 3 ~ 12:00 pm
My grandpa rode a mule at this store at one time- John Rhoades, until his nose bled and won pocket knives and hats and some change for it- no one had been able to ride it- but he did. My dad Ike Rhoades used to take us down to the store when we were kids- I need to come back to visit. I love reading this site.
Comment :: August 18, 2009 @ 4 ~ 4:02 pm