November 6, 2006
CHAMPION—November 6, 2006
Good news from Champion celebrates the birthday Sunday the 5th of Sharon Upshaw! She’s just a kid! She is married to such a much older man. He has been sparking her for years with homemade ice cream, music, and who knows what all?
There was a shower held at Skyline for Deborah Barker on Saturday. The baby will arrive in January. Those attending were: Nancy Barker (Grandma to be), Carrie Stewart, Inez Barker (Great Grandmother to be), Sharon Upshaw (Grandmother to be), Lucille Gayman (Great Grandmother to be), Loretta Upshaw, Elva Upshaw, Vivian Floyd, Lucille Ketchum (Great Great Aunt to be), Sue Upshaw, Fae Krider, Kay Johnston, Phoebe Ward & Madelynne, Liz Johnston, Staci Krider, Esther Wrinkles, Theresa Wrinkles, and Yvonne Unger. It was a pleasant gathering with many beautiful gifts including some distinctive handmade items. Deborah is the special education teacher at Skyline School and is special herself to a lot of people.
Mrs. Eva Powell has had the pleasure of having had all of her children home over this last week end. Some of them have come from considerable distance to enjoy her fine company. They are all grateful for the wonderful recent rains though mud is an issue for them.
If the crow were to fly a straight flight southeast from Champion just two or three miles it might light on the porch of an octagonal brown house at the bottom of a hill. It’s the home of a wizened old Grandfather whose birthday has just passed on the 6th of this month. Grandsons Shamus, Zachary and Ethan probably have no understanding of just how old he really is. They are fortunate for he is a mindful individual with an expansive weltanschauung who will always give them his full attention. To them he will be timeless and ageless…forever young. Nice going Gramps!
Chester Chambers was buried at Denlow on Saturday the 4th. He was Dean Brixey’s brother-in-law, his sister Jane’s husband. Chester loved to sing and was once with a quartet that sang on the Willow Springs radio station.
Sunday the 12th is the anniversary of the demise of Jack “Foxfire” Ryan, a real gentleman. He was fun loving and generous of spirit. He loved the old ways and the old days. He loved kids and great ideas. He was inventive and industrious. Quick to laugh and slow to judge, he knew how to be a friend.
A question has been raised as to the truth of the buzzard story that appeared here recently. The owner of those calves that broke the fence escaping the awful fowl tumult first learned of the affair in the Herald and made a frantic phone call. “Were those my cows?” An absentee landlord and cattleman might sometimes be at a disadvantage in terms of keeping up with his stock. It is his good fortune to have a vigilant brother looking out after his interests. The facts of the buzzard story were detailed exactly as they were told and so any question of veracity should be addressed to the farm tenant and the brother both of whom were principals in the incident. It has been reported that this absent land owner is recovering from a long illness. Hopefully concern over his distant properties will not slow his recuperation. A sister-in-law suggested that distress over his recent birthday may have exacerbated his ill temper as he is now so much older than both she and his own wife. A trip home will be timely whenever it happens.
A squirrel hunt is on for this week. Raymond and Esther Howard spent Sunday with the Kriders and plans have been made to get out on a certain ridge early one morning this week to harvest some of those big reds. The ladies will engage in an activity that they call ‘junking.’ Raymond and Esther live in Marshfield. She is originally from Hannibal, MO. She says that people are more friendly down here than they are up there. Raymond grew up around Dora. They moved to the Marshfield area in the 1950’s. Champion is always more jolly place when they are visiting.
Foster E. Wiseman, son of Tanna Jo and Roger, is the proud owner of a ukulele which he calls “Granddad’s mandolin.” He is working on a song about a rabbit and a log and has the “I know, I know” part of the chorus down pat. Champions have plenty to brag about. Feel free to do so at the Champion store, at Champion Items, Rt. 2, Box 367, Norwood 65717, or on-line at Champion News.
The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Skyline Area Volunteer Fire Department will have its regular meeting at the Champion store on Tuesday evening, November 14th. On the agenda are plans for the upcoming chili supper and gun fundraiser. Last year the gun fundraiser project turned into a free for all shoot out. Everyone was lucky to have come out of it unscathed. Skyline/Champion is lucky to have such productive women in its midst.. Some of them are election officials. Hopefully many Champion residents will exercise their voting franchise.
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