November 2, 2009
CHAMPION—November 2, 2009
The constant flow of convivial visitors through Champion is part of what makes the place such an ideal spot in the world. One has hardly as to go out into it. The world comes to Champion! Manuel and Sue Hutchison have been on a ramble that took them through sixteen states before they arrived at Champion. They took a reluctant leave of the seat of so many family ties and happy memories with the promise to return soon.
An email came to the Champion News mailbox from Cathie Reilly out in Kentucky with the good news that her daughter, Stephanie, had been crowned homecoming queen of her high school. Cathie sent pictures of Stephanie in her lovely royal blue evening gown flanked by two handsome Bulldog football players # 57 and # 23. This remarkably beautiful young woman also enjoyed the distinction as the fortunate winner in the auction for the famous and exotic couture armadillo handbag that had been part of The Barbara Krider Collection, which was magnanimously donated by the Fashionista on the occasion of the Denlow School Reunion. Reilly messaged to Geri and the General that owing to its pricelessness and irreplaceability, the handbag had not been part of the homecoming ensemble. Nevertheless, Stephanie was stunning and the whole Bulldog Organization was thrilled with their selection.
For a few days a number of Champions found themselves as old as Harley. His birthday on the 27th, however, once again has him in the circumstance to be venerated by younger Champions. There are so many. Over in Champion-South Grandfather Weltanschauung will have his birthday celebration on the 8th of November and will finally be old enough to know better. At last, he has bought into the whole idea of Looking on the Bright Side and has cast aside his life long negativity. Now when someone mentions the anniversary of his birth, he no longer says, “Just two more years to Medicare!” Now he says, “I’m happy to have made it this far!” What an improvement! The long-suffering Grandmother Weltanscauung is for once speechless at the prospect of a life without grumbling pessimism. Breaths are being held as he demonstrates his new leaf with generosity and humor. Champion!
A rare trip out into the world has found a couple of old Champions distributing their agricultural largess of pumpkins, potatoes, and pickles among children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews and old friends in Southern climes. Halloween is the birthday of one Chilean Renaissance man—an Alpha guy who hosted a dinner party that will go down in history as one of the great ones—until he does it again. The menu at Chez Fortune featured perfect beef tenderloin, green beans almandine, a sweet potato l’orange, and on and on. Friend Cathy added her culinary skill and the mix made for the complete satiation of all the fortunate attendees. Many Felicitates were expressed and the hostess, one Rebecca Quetzalcoatl remarked, “Less barking, more wagging,” as an admonition to complain less in life and revel more. That is a Champion sentiment.
The Skyline VFD Ladies’ Auxiliary will meet at Henson’s Store on the North Side of the Square in Downtown Champion on Tuesday, November 10th. The Auxiliary and any interested parties will gather at seven in the evening to discuss a variety of issues and begin preliminary plans for the next fund raiser. The fire department is a critical part of the community and the opportunity to support the firefighters is one not to be missed. Rumors of the possibility of a walking trail through the picnic grounds are exciting and will be investigated for veracity and the opportunity to participate. Stay tuned.
Dr. Amanda Zappler, prominent audiologist and professor at the University of Texas in Austin, reports that hearing issues connected with traumatic brain injury and the contingent psychological issues are going to be the significant issues for American Veterans for the far reaching future. Those young people will return to their home country to face the rest of their long lives with difficulties that they could not have anticipated. Love and Gratitude is only the start of what they will need.
Fortnight Bridge was hosted by Brushy Knob on Halloween night in place of the absent Champion player who was represented by an accomplished player from Seven Springs. This player together with the regulars from Norwood, Vera Cruz and Champion-South had just returned from a three day bridge extravaganza marked by strikingly good hands and high quality play. They were hot. They were so hot that a bid of seven no-trump was bid and made! It is a rare, exceptional event that thrills any bridge player just to contemplate.
A prominent Champion is struggling with the failure of her fall turnips. The seed germinated but failed to thrive. It may be that the seed was old and used all its strength just to come up out of the ground and had no reserves to build turnips. Perhaps unusual weather or competing organisms have had an effect. Some conversation with Linda over at the Plant Place in Norwood might answer her questions. It could be that Lem and Ned will stop by to consult with her as they are such turnip lovers. Ned could recite the tale of Stingy Jack, the Irishman, who had the Devil trapped in an apple tree and tricked him into a promise not to allow him into Hell. St. Peter would not allow him into Heaven either, so he wandered in the darkness until the Devil tossed him a coal from the fires down below. He kept it in a hollowed out turnip. When the Irish came to America they found pumpkins easier to carve than turnips, hence the Jack O Lantern. That is just the sort of information those two might share.
Sing, “Show me the way to go home, I’m tired and I want to go to bed” or any other homesick song out on the porch at Henson’s Store. Share any information about Lem and Ned at Champion Items, Rt. 2, Box 367, Norwood, MO 65717. Look in on for updates on neighborhood events or just to feel that good optimism when you are in Champion and Looking on the Bright Side!
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