First Ripe Champion Tomato – 2010
The fourth annual ‘First Ripe Tomato in Champion Contest’ came to its conclusion on June 12th, 2010, when Emerson Rose Oglesby brought her Grandmother Karen Krider’s beautiful little Delicious tomato to Henson’s Store. Contest rules require the winning tomato to have been grown in Champion and to be eaten by the judges. The tomato was indeed judged to be ripe and it was shared out among the various judges in attendance. It was small but quite tasty. This is the earliest winning date in the history of the contest and the list of prizes had not yet been announced. For her efforts Ms. Krider will receive an antique fruit jar, two dozen canning jar flats, and six tickets (valued at $5.00) for the Skyline VFD Picnic Quilt. She’s a Champion!
Two year old Emerson happened to be visiting with her Grammy just as the tomato reached its peak of perfection. She and her brother, Eli, came with their folks down from Perry, MO to enjoy some time on the farm. They both like the cows and like being out in the garden. Champion has always been an excellent place for young people as well as Champion Tomatoes!
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