July 2, 2012
CHAMPION—July 2, 2012
Champion was much in the spotlight this last Friday as people poured out from surrounding towns and communities to attend the first all-city yard sale on the Square in Historic Downtown. For many, it was a first opportunity to get a good look at the place which has been likened to the Light shining out of the East and described as the Very Jewel of Central Douglas County. Champion!

Kyra Collins will have her birthday on Friday the sixth of July and Tiffany Thornhill will celebrate on Sunday the 8th. They are both marking their twelfth birthday and will be in the sixth grade at Skyline this fall. That may seem like a long time away to them, but it will go by in a hurry. Older people routinely speak of the swift passage of time.
Esther Wrinkles had a beautiful birthday celebration over at the Vanzant Community Center on Saturday. It was hosted by her sons and their families. She may well have received a card for every one of her 95 years. A pair of shockingly pink flamingos was the gift of someone who knows Esther’s fun loving personality and there was much interest in just where she will place them in her yard. Already the General is concerned that they will be wandering over into his yard. He is fairly persnickety about his lawn. His many flaws seem to be offset by his fabulous peanut butter ice cream. There were buckets of it, and of a luscious vanilla that was enhanced favorably by some succulent peach cobbler, and then, of course, there was the peach ice cream. Skillfully decorated birthday cakes and tasty brownies all made for a splendid party. The best thing though was seeing how much joy is to be had in sharing Love, Gratitude, and Appreciation for each other among dear friends, neighbors and family. Monday morning Esther was still smiling. She said that she was a little tired, but that she was so thankful for everyone who made the party happen and to everyone who came. It was a special day for a real Champion.
The Vanzant Community Center is a great place to hold a party. It is air conditioned and this time of the year that is important. A note on the bulletin board there said that the 13th and 14th of July will be the Vanzant Community Picnic. The swift passage of time is evident again. The Up and At ‘Em Holt 4H Picnic will be rolling around again soon and, of course the Skyline VFD picnic will kick off on August 10th. Jeff Pardeck from over at the White River Valley Electric Cooperative in Branson has granted another $100.00 worth of electric power to be awarded to some lucky supporter of the Fire Department. White River has been doing this for Skyline for more than ten years now. They are nice folks over there and good neighbors. Soon the picnic quilt will be on display over at Henson’s Grocery and Gas in Downtown Champion. There were fifteen members in attendance at the last Skyline Auxiliary meeting there on the 27th of June and the next meeting is scheduled for the 10th of July at 6:30 in the evening. The newly air-conditioned meeting room at Henson’s G & G can accommodate a sizeable number of people and the picnic organizational meetings are a perfect time for Skyline Fire District Members to get acquainted with each other and to contribute their good ideas and good energy. Volunteer fire departments are essential parts of thriving rural communities. Someone noted that the population of the area is growing, but the average age is also increasing. Young folks are in short supply and much needed!
Harley is missing his granddaughters. Their lives are filling up and they do not come around as much as they used to. What is important at one age may not seem to be such a big deal at another time in life. The swift passage of time might catch up with these ‘whippersnappers’ yet. It is a universal issue felt by many over the years. One old Champion wonders if she neglected the old people she loved so. Probably she did. Esther Howard has a good perspective on the process. She says to just enjoy it.
Ira Glass is a radio personality and the second cousin of composer Phillip Glass. Phillip told Ira in an interview, “People do not know what they like. They like what they know. “ That is a very interesting statement and one that can be applied to more than music. It is less easy, as people age, to stay receptive when it comes to new things. Someone said that the tendency to romanticize the past makes it difficult to recognize how lovely the present might be. These are the kinds of thoughts that keep things lively among the Saturday Philosophy Club which holds its early morning meetings out on the porch at the Historic Emporium now being referred to as the “G & G.” They retreat to the air conditioned meeting room later in the morning. Linda’s Almanac for July is posted there and so Cowboy Jack will have time to study it with the hopes of getting a few vegetables in yet. The 9th and 10th will be good planting days. It turns out that there are lots of ripe tomatoes in Champion already and it is not that gardeners do not share, they do. They are just not interested in the acclaim and so the First Ripe Tomato in Champion Contest has officially been called a draw because Champions are a noble lot.
“Oh! Beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain!” Independence Day is a chance to recognize the service of Veterans and those currently defending the lovely Constitution of the United States, to sing some patriotic songs, to get together with friends for an annual renewal of old acquaintances and to get feet wet in cold creeks. It is an opportunity to hear what common and wide ranging thoughts friends and neighbors have about gardening, health, politics, weather, art, music and philosophy in general. One noted recently that for every individual interested in a given subject, there is a different valid perspective. Differences are, after all, what most people have in common. Tolerance and mutual respect are the glues that hold dissimilar attitudes together in one great Nation—the melting pot. Huzza! Eat your ice cream before it melts, out on the porch. Get a good view of Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!
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