December 24, 2007
CHAMPION—December 24, 2007
Astronomical observations are all the talk in Champion with the rarity of the full moon (The Long Night Moon) falling on Christmas Eve and the close proximity of Mars in all its red brilliance. The sparseness of the population and the relative lack of light pollution make the night sky more visible to Champions than to, say New Yorkers! That is just one of the many advantages of this beautiful part of the world.
Many people are on the move this week. Harley and Barbra Krider will be down from Illinois to visit family and friends and to look in on their cattle operation. Hopefully their granddaughters, Elizabeth and Alexandria will be with them and that will be good news for Dillon and Dakota Watts who will be over from Tennessee with their Mother, Linda Krider Watts. The whole bunch will be getting together and they all recognize the preciousness of those family times.
Not all of the Hamilton brood will be at one table this Christmas. They were able to all be together for Thanksgiving, however, and so being spread out across this country and other countries at this time will not be too hard on them. Lots of families are scattered and sometimes uncontrollable circumstances keep them apart during the holidays. The trick to getting through what could be a depressing time for many is to be aware of those priceless moments when they are happening and to Celebrate Family and Friends at every available opportunity. If everybody waits until Christmas to express affection…some might loose out! The Champion Way is to just let loose with the love year-round…. Love and Gratitude are the watch words in Champion. At this time of the year and all year long Champions appreciate the service and sacrifice of those in the US Military and the families they leave behind as they do what is asked of them in the dangerous places of the world.
On Christmas Eve morning some Champions watched out their kitchen window as a “Sharp-shinned” hawk killed a blue-jay on the ground and then flew off with it. It was like something out of the “Wild Kingdom” TV show. Champion is a Wild and Wonderful place! It is also quite a deferential place and so when Santa’s schedule is made known with all the appearances in departments stores and Christmas Parades around the country, Champion is pleased to be last and to catch the old fellow on his way home on Christmas morning. His appearance is no more than a nod and a wink at the annual Champion Christmas Parade, but the parade itself is hardly more than that. He’s tired and ready for a rest from the whole thing and particularly from the endless claims of ‘goodness’ from, well, you know who you are.
Champion’s friend, Darrell Haden, from over in Tennessee has sent a lovely Christmas card with pictures from their visit here last fall. While the township is not so large, the spirit of the ‘village’ spreads far and wide. Champion’s Oklahoma friends have been having a hard weather time over there. They have Champion good wishes for a speedy recovery and restoration to a better situation.
The Skyline Volunteer Fire Department had another class last week end, this time in ‘extrication.’ They learned how to use their new ‘jaws of life’ apparatus and in the process chewed up several cars. The class was well attended and hopefully a good report will be made about it soon. Some of those same nice firefighters from over in Ozark who attended the auto fire class a couple of weeks ago came. It has also been learned that Betty Dye attended the class and took good notes and good photos. Betty is also making a quilt for the Auxiliary Chili Supper which will be held the First of March. It’s a busy life for community minded people! Such an asset!
“What ‘sailors’?” someone asked about the reported rowdy Wassailors and Christmas Carolers described last week. “Does Champion have a Navy too?” Unless and until the Spring rains come, there won’t be enough water to float a boat if the Champion Navy existed and had a boat. Clever Creek has long been underground and Fox Creek only runs big when it rains now. It does run into the Bryant though, which runs into the White River and that into ….well a person might eventually get to the ocean. Distinguished Denlow University Alumni and a former member of the US Air Force, Robert Upshaw, might well be the Rear Admiral of the Champion Navy since he claims to have seen the Ocean one time. He hasn’t said which one. He may not even know that there is more than one, however, any further inquires about the matter may be addressed to him. He is quite nautical. A CPC member said that most of the floating done around here is connected with the frequent parades. One local gardener still has some beautiful ornamental cabbages blooming and would sacrifice them to a float for the Champion New Year’s Day Parade though she won’t be able to attend on account of having to keep the fire going under the black eyed peas all day. Someone answered the question about why people eat black eyed peas on New Years Day by saying, “It means that you will eat at least that well all year.”
It is a sure bet that there will be lots of good cooking going on over at Esther Wrinkles’ house through the holidays. That is a family that enjoys its time together and knows how to show it. The pies will be popping out of the oven and the love and laughter will keep the place jumping.
Sure bets, New Years Resolutions and reports of good holiday cheer may be sent to Champion Items, Rt. 2, Box 367, Norwood, MO 65717. E-mail any kind of good news or fantastic examples of nature to Champion News. Stroll into the Village and spend some time at Henson’s Store. It is on the North Side of the Square with its back to the cold wind and its Friendly Hospitality wide open All Year. Happy New Year from Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!
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